Monday, September 6, 2010

The Coo Coo Cucho Train to CRAZY TOWN!

So tonight is the night we've all been waiting for, The Real Housewives of New Jersey "Throwdown" reunion special. Tonight is the night that (hopefully) Danielle will go down in flames.

Now for those of you who don't know, Danielle Staub is definitely portrayed as the villain of this show. And she lives up to her title EVERY SINGLE WEEK! Like her intro says, "You're either gonna love me or hate me. There is no in between with me." Well, duh! And as a side note, sweetie, we all HATE YOU!

To put it simply, Danielle is a CRAZY BIOTCH!!! In a battle of whose is the craziest and more psychotic, Danielle or Kelly (from Housewives of New York), I think Danielle wins HANDS DOWN!!! To get the full effect of this psychopath, we have turn back the clock a little, because the true craziness started at the last season finale, and has continue to build up to tonight's reunion show.

Last season, we found Danielle trying to make friends with the New Jersey clan. Basically she wanted to be Dina Manzo. (Anyone with half a brain could figure that one out. Yes, she really DID want to skin you, Dina, and wear you like last year's Versache.) When Danielle became shunned by the group, instead of embraced, she took the Coo Coo Cucho Train straight to crazy town! Danielle "claims" that Dina doesn't like her because "Dina is threatened by me" [Danielle]. In the "real" world where we all live, we know this is farthest thing from the truth. But in Danielle's world of "love and light" where she dwells, Dina spread a book around town (Cop Without A Badge) that says Danielle was a prostitute who was arrested, a cocaine addict involved in kidnapping with the Colombian Cartel.... I mean we are talking some seriously heavy shit here.

So as last season ends, Theresa (my favorite housewife) throws a dinner party to extend an olive branch and make peace with everyone after all that had been happening. Things were going well, people were having laughing and fun until Danielle (always needing the spotlight) pulls out "the book" to confront her enemies!!! I mean, who does that? Anyway, since that was the beginning of all the drama which continued into this season, we have to begin by dissecting the dinner party from last season. In a segment that I like to call,

Danielle's numerous trips of traveling on the CRAZY TRAIN:

1. Pulling out the book at the dinner party : With devilish grin and knowing that she's stirring up trouble Danielle admits to taking the book out at the party, "pointed at a 45 degree angle right at Dina." She says she wanted to "clarify things" because the book had been "haunting her", but Danielle's no dummy, she knew sparks would fly and boy did they fly... along with tables!

2. "Lies were spread and people were talking about me." : First of all, any time people are talking about Danielle, she feeds on it. This book was just the tip of the iceberg. Between encounters with the police, sex tapes, extortion plots, to lesbian love affairs etc, Danielle NEVER backs away from publicity, good or bad. She says she was upset because the book was brought out into public, in her town. "I sat at home throwing up with diarrhea for three weeks because of you [Dina]" (Ok, this is really TMI, but honestly, it tickles me.) I can't understand how a book written 25 years ago is SO damaging to her less than pristine reputation, but all the negative publicity she's done TO HERSELF in the past year, is fine by her?

3. "This is not what I wanted. I really did not want this." : Ok, another WTF moment is best summed up in the words of Caroline, "If you didn't want this, then why'd you bring the book?".... EXACTLY, Caroline! You took the words right out of my mouth.

4. Danielle's innocent response after Theresa flips the table: "Wow! Theresa like a caged animal at the zoo. I mean tables need to be thrown at me because I had a book written about me?" No, you dumb bitch - PAY ATTENTION, PUH LEASE!- you had a table thrown at you because you are a lying, sneaky, manipulative, (say it with me) "PROSTITUTION WHORE!!!" (hahahahaha.... me laughing hysterically!)

5. At the end of this episode Danielle states very matter-of-fact : "An apology is in order if ANY of them want to move forward with me. 'Cause if I hear shit gong on anymore, behind my back, I'll be knocking on your door - and I won't be coming alone!"

Uh, can we say BLATANT THREAT!??!?! Ok, Coo Coo Cuchoo, on behalf of the NJ Housewives, here's your apology: "Sorry, you are a dumb bitch and a prostitution whore, but if that's what you were representing at the time - you needed to be called out on it!" - AMEN

Have I proven how crazy Danielle is yet? No? Ok, check out more from THIS season....

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Kell-amity of Major Proportions

Ok, here's another post on RHONY, so if you don't watch, you can turn around now. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 dollars.

Kelly Bensimon is one of those ditsy girls that you hate. I can't even say "love to hate", because there is no love to be had. She really DOES live in her own world, to which no one is privy to and only makes sense to Kelly. She is so ridiculous in the things that she says, it's a wonder she can string a sentence together.

The underlying fact of the matter is that Kelly is very self-conscious. She is one of those models who wants everyone to like her (because that is all she knows; attention = love) that she tries so hard to "fit in" everywhere and be liked, but inevitably she TOTALLY misses the boat. I know that she loves to deny the following fact, but this season proves she is SO JEALOUS of Bethenny, she can't stand it. As much as she claims to hate Bethenny, and not care about her actions, Kelly truly spends most of her time "worrying" about Bethenny's actions and trying to turn everyone against her.

Hey Kelly, heads-up: IT'S NOT GONNA WORK!!! Bethenny is true, real people. You are a model living in your own make- believe fantasy world! So get over yourself!

If anyone needs proof that Kelly is crazy, look no further than the previous season of RHONY, especially the two episodes of "Scary Island". There, Kelly laid her psychotic behavior out for the world to see (and boy did we see it ). Let's recap shall we:

1) It's quite obvious this season that Kelly saw her chance to scoot in and try to replace Bethenny, in the friends category, and ran for it full steam ahead. This is MOST prevalent in her relationship with Jill and LuAnn. Last season, these two couldn't stand to be around Kelly and her double talk. This season, they are all besties. WTF?

When I can't stand to be around someone, I try to avoid them completely, especially when their conversation style is too confusing to follow. I don't invite said person to lunch and try to guide her in contributing to a conversation. I'm sorry, but a 41 year old woman, model or not, should be able to carry on a conversation and (here's the kicker) MAKE SENSE!!! Kelly, on the other hand cannot do either of these. Again, WTF?

2) Kelly & Playboy - So when Kelly first tells her new BFFs, LuAnn and Jill about her Playboy spread she says, "I was asked by Playboy to do their 40th anniversary cover and a 10 page story...they have a cover try but major interviews and everything, is me!" - UH, NO!!!
This comment is, as with everything that comes out of her mouth, all made up in Kelly's little head. I guess she didn't want to say, "I getting paid to take my clothes off" to her conservative new best friends, so she "created" a setting where it would be considered, ok and chic.

Here are the facts: Kelly was asked to be in Dec 09 issue of Playboy. This was pushed back to the Jan issue and then pushed again to the March issue, where it was finally published. The FIRST issue of Playboy, featuring Marilyn Monroe, was published in December 1953. Now I know Kelly is a bit ditsy, but even if she did come out in the Dec issue, do the math! That's 57 years of Playboy (which Jill busted her on in a later episode, and Kelly tried to weasel her way out). In any case, Playboy celebrated it's 40th anniversary issue in '94 with Marilyn on the cover again, and their 50th anniversary with the January 2004 issue with NO ONE on the cover!
It should also be pointed out that Kelly's "10 page story" in the magazine was actually a 6 page PICTORIAL - no story, no interview. She was NOT the centerfold, that was Kyra Milan. And the interview in that issue was the now "infamous" John Mayer interview about sleeping with Jessica Simpson. So anyway you slice it, Kelly is just a BIG FAT LIAR!

3)Kelly and fur - So we get it Kelly, you like to wear fur. When Bethenny was asked to do a PETA ad against wearing fur, you came out, of course on the opposite side saying, "PETA isn't saying, 'Don't wear fur'. They're saying, 'Don't abuse animals.' And so I'm not abusing animals, I'm just wearing fur." - Um, yeah, cause the last time I checked, skinning a mink to wear it's skin as fashion, was NOT abusive in any way. By the way Kelly, PETA's slogan says "animals are not ours to eat, WEAR, experiment on, or use for entertainment." So yes, they ARE, in fact saying, "Don't wear fur!"

4)Kelly and flirting - Basically, when I flirt with someone, it's about showing them that I am into them and getting them to eventually ask me out. However, in Kellyland, flirting means, getting the person to tell you how fabulous they think you are, as we saw in the vomit inducing "interview" with the journalist from Playboy.

Kelly starts with, "Oh my goodness, you are the most handsome journalist I ever met in my life." Ok, we get it, you like him. Then she asked if he saw the shoot. He says, "Yeah, fantastic. How do you think it went?" (Ok, we know he's seen you naked, before date number 1) Kelly responds with, "Well, you saw the pictures." (She is now obviously fishing for compliments when he JUST told her, he thought they were fantastic.) "Well, what do they look like I can't remember?", asks Kelly. (Probably because your head is filled up with so much air.) Again, he says, "They were fantastic." She then says, "Like what? What was I doing?" I HATE HATE HATE when girls do this. You already know you're gorgeous, and now you are fishing for compliments from someone who is supposed to be doing his job! Then she comes out with the clever comment of, "This [conversation] is an organic experience."

Organic? WHAT? The only thing "organic" about this experience is the sh!# coming out of your mouth. Stop the madness. To make matters even worse, when the guy finally does ask for her number, she's all surprise and gitty. "What? What? Are you, like, asking me out on a date?" - Uh, you posed for Playboy and he's already seen you naked? What guy WOULDN'T ask you out on a date? To put it plainly, he thinks you're an easy lay.

5) So Kelly calls a truce with Bethenny, but then comes out blazing at Alex's fashion show prep. So in an effort not to seem like a complete bitch Kelly "buries the hatchet" with Bethenny in Episode 4. Bethenny takes the apology and asked, "Ok, so we're not going to discuss last year anymore, right?" Good. Wave your white flags girls. Fast forward to episode 5, where Bethenny is discussing how she understands where Alex is coming with the Jill situation and Kelly goes on the defense again saying, "But that's what you did to me, last year when you called me Madonna? You attacked me. You were so unbelievably mean to me!" and then makes a "down there and up here" reference again. Bethenny not wanting to engage says, "Kelly, do you really want to rehash last year? Really?" To which Kelly exclaims, "YES!" - Uh, what happen to the truce? So at the end of the conversation another truce is made to which Kelly says that SHE wanted the arguing to be done. "I wasn't going to argue with her anymore, so I said it's OVER!" - Uh, first of all, no you didn't and secondly, you said that the first time and then called Bethenny out again. So is it really "OVER" now? Like a take two, or something. (Nope, it wasn't. The jealousy and animosity toward Bethenny continues throughout the season)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Parking Wars = Stupid People

So I am sitting here watching one for my guilty pleasures, "Parking Wars" on A & E.

I know this may seem absurd to some, but it is really funny to see grown people act the way they do. Like a little kid when they get caught breaking the rules, they throw temper tantrums. One woman (and I use that term loosely) actually said, "But everybody does it? Why do I have to get the ticket?" Come on, people!!! Didn't your momma ever teach if you, if someone jumps off a cliff, it doesn't mean you have to follow them? Never, ever have I heard of someone who use this excuse and get away with it.

Anyway, here's a couple of things you need to know about "Parking Wars". The setting of our story is the wonderful city of Philadelphia and the show is about the PPA (Philadelphia Parking Authority). The show is broken up into 3 different sections: Impound Lot, Ticketing and Booting.

Each department has it's own rules, it's on way of doing things, and it's own set of problems and complaints. But the similarity that each share is every person who gets "caught" on the show says, it's not their fault and/or "The PPA is ridiculous and/or unfair." It's pretty entertaining how upset people get for something they did wrong. Well entertaining to me, not so much for them!

Why can't people just follow parking rules? It's just like traffic rules, and we all have to pay attention to the rules, plan and simple. Plus, if you KNOW what you are doing is wrong, but you do it anyway, that's stupidity. And you're really upset with YOURSELF because you got caught. Just as I tell my students, you always have a choice!!! As much as I hated paying for the two tickets that I recently obtained (no comments necessary), though it was frustrating and an inconvenience ultimately, I had to pay (and boy did I pay) the consequences.

Ok, so back to our story. Here are a few situations from Parking Wars and my opinion on the situation.


After 21 days of being in the impound lot, unclaimed cars are eligible for auction. Why do people wait until the last day and then demand to get their car immediately because they are now ready for it. It's amazing to me, the gaul that some people have.

The Blame Game - Excuses, excuses, excuses. I love to watch these people come out with all kinds of excuses as to why their car was towed.

"There was a no parking sign in front of my car, and behind my car but not where my car was parked. So basically, my car was towed for no reason. If my car was parked illegally, it was purely accidental and if so, well that the city's fault." - Really? It what universe, does this excuse seem like it will work? I mean that's like saying,"Officer, I really didn't mean to shoot and kill my husband, but the gun was just sitting there and I pointed it at him and pulled the trigger, but it was purely accidental that the bullet hit him, and if it did hit him, well that's his fault".

The Run Around - Now I can understand people getting frustrated with this one. But please, it's the Department of Motor Vehicles. Most people are aware of the amount of time it takes there. But people still want to complain about, what they believe is, "The Run Around". The people who work at the PPA are just doing their job, and I am sure that they don't want to be there either. I don't think that the people behind the counter woke up one morning and said, "Ok, let me see how many people I can aggravate and piss off today!"

It also kills me that people drive without a license, registration nor insurance, get upset when they have to pay big $$$. One lady let her brother, who had a suspended license, drive her car and he was pulled over, she's furious that she has to pay so much $$$ for all the fees and fines to get her car back. Sweetie, it's not the lady behind the counter's problem that you let your brother "hold" your car and that he's an idiot. (Must run in the family.) I would take all the $$$ that my brother owes me out on his dumb ass.

Teenagers & "Their" Cars - I hate people. But I especially hate teenagers who feel obligated. One little girl complained about every little thing when people tried to help her.

"Well, why can't they call Geico? It's their job. They are not doing anything else." -Um, yes. Nothing except helping a whole line full of people.

"Why do the insurance people need to call my dad to get permission to release this information? I am 18 years old!" - Um first of all, if you're 18, and think you are a real "adult", why don't you handle your responsibilities your damn self! Secondly, your dad is probably the one who is PAYING for your insurance, right? So stop complaining, and shut the hell up.

Then she goes on to say how ridiculous the system is and how she is going to tell "important people" to fix it, because she knows a lot of "important people". - Who? Who do you know that is SO IMPORTANT that they can "fix" the DMV? Because I need to talk to these "important people" about some other things going on in life that's also "unfair". And then I swear, that her little 18 year old friend says, "Yeah, we need to make a HUGE MySpace Bulletin." - That's the future of America talking, people!!! Anyone else scared?

Another woman got mad at the Parking Authority lady for being "too nice". Now if the lady was rude, she would have gotten even madder. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


How come some people get mad at the city if they receive tickets, but then also get mad when there is too much traffic? Officers who write tickets are only doing so, in order for the traffic to flow constructively through the areas of congestion.

Perfect example, a guy was double parked in the street next to a bank. He was an employee of the bank. The bank was knocked off twice in the last month, so the police were being extra cautious. The man gets angry and says, "The parking authority is bullshit. They take your money and don't give anything back." Um, I think the giving back part is PROTECTING you and your bank from getting robbed... AGAIN!

And everyone HATES paying for tickets. But use some common sense and you wouldn't have a problem, case in point:

Meter Maid : "Did you know the parking meter was broken?"
Stupid Guy :"Yeah, that meter over there WAS broken."
Meter Maid: "But you parked there anyway?"
Stupid Guy, clearly seeing he was both wrong and stupid, "Well how much is this gonna set me back?"
Meter Maid: "26 dollars."
Stupid Guy gets irate and commences to cussing.... over 26 dollars!!! Seriously?!?

Another person parked between two meters, and put money in the wrong meter. Why didn't she just back up? And if you are going to raise all kind of hell and begin cussing, do you really think that's going to let the parking attendants go easier on you? Negative Ghostrider!

Other excuses - "We just saw you up the street, and now you're over here ticketing my car?" Well, when you saw the man putting tickets on other peoples cars, why didn't you run out to feed the meter or move your car? STUPIDITY, plain STUPIDITY!!!

Some parents at a daycare drop off/ pick up were mad because other cars were parked in the spots in front of the day care. Their solution? They pulled their cars up on the side walk and then argued with the parking authority about why they should not be ticketed. WTF?


In the city of Philadelphia, your car gets "booted" when you have received 3 or more parking tickets and have not paid for them. If the "booters" traveling around the city scan your tag and it comes up with violations, they will boot your car. Seems pretty simple to me!

Many people who are ticketed, reply with "I'm not paying this ticket!" and sometimes they will go so far as to throw the ticket on the ground or rip it up. Uh yeah, little kid throwing the tantrum? Yeah, you. Just because one destroys a ticket, does not mean that said ticket, goes away.

So first they get pissed because they got the ticket, then the get pissed for getting a boot! You have outstanding parking violations!! No one WANTS to pay for a ticket, but getting that upset won't help, and it most cases it makes the problem worse.

There was one lady who parked to attend a funeral. She had two outstanding tickets and they booted her car, but she thought she could be given a reprieve since she was at a funeral. What's the difference between before or after the funeral, but not during? She still knew she had the outstanding tickets, pay it and you won't have any worries.

Other stupid questions/situations:
Booted: "Does it matter if those plates belong to that car? I mean, if the car doesn't have tags, they're gonna tow it anyway!" WTF? Why is this a question in your mind? Every driver needs to pay for license, insurance and tags. PUT THE TAGS ON THE CAR!

Booted: "My truck has been givin' me problems, that's why I haven't paid the parking tickets. If you look, it has a bullet hole, here, here and here." Dude, if you have multiple bullet holes in your truck, I think you've got WAY bigger problems than a boot on your car!

Heavy hitters - These are people who have over $700 in parking violations. They are given 6 months or more to pay and have been notified several times of these outstanding violations; therefore, their fees have accumulated.

Booted: Crying, "But I don't have a $1000 to pay my tickets." Um, this is not the first time you were "warned" about your parking tickets. Plus, guess where this "citizen" was, when her car was being booted? Getting her nails done!!! And once she was finished complaining about how she didn't have any money, guess where she went? Uh, that would be back into the nail salon. Here's a hint, stop getting your nails done, and use that money to pay your tickets!!!

Booted: Realizing his car is being booted and suddenly wants to pay the fines, "I have to wait an hour!" - Uh, the city has been waiting for more than 6 months to get your fine from you?

"I'm trying to go somewhere and I'm being prohibited from leaving." - Way to go Captain Obvious, THAT's the purpose of a boot.

"Ya'll don't have a copy of the tickets or know how much I have to pay?" - Nope! Your ticket = your responsibility. My job = My responsibility. See how this works?n

"Oh, so you can put the boot on, but you can't take it off?" Yes, and you could have chose to pay your parking tickets or not. You chose the latter, so I guess we are even.

Supervisors - Now, I know that customer service is hard. Especially with a job like this. You are dealing with the public, but it's not necessarily in the best scenarios. People are going to get upset. This comes with the job and the territory. But when people are just trying to do their job, and not getting rude or being combative in any way, why do obligated people always ask for a "supervisor"? The supervisors usually still gives you the ticket. Is that suppose to make the PPA people scared? THEY WORK FOR THE PARKING AUTHORITY!!! They are not making cotton candy and popcorn. They HAVE TO have a thick skin. Just because you call the supervisor, doesn't mean that she's going to agree with you. Here's a hint: Getting a supervisor does NOT equal you getting your way.

So now do you see why I love this show so much? If you get a chance to check it out, you will not be upset. "Parking Wars" is shown on A&E, check your local listings for time slots.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Anyone who knows me, knows that my drug of choice is BRAVO TV. More specifically, Real Housewives of Anything. However, I must admit that there is a special place in my heart for the Housewives of New York, and this season they gave their fans all the drama we had been waiting for.

For those of you who don't watch the housewives, first of all, shame on you! (It's really a great show and everyone should be tuning in.) Secondly, let me catch you up on what you need to know:

Two of the housewives, Jill and Bethenny, have been friends for years. However this season, they are having a war of words. Basically, Jill is upset with Bethenny because she wasn't there for Jill's family this summer when her husband Bobby was battling cancer. Bethenny says that she was busy throughout the summer on tour for her new book, and was unaware of the seriousness of Bobby's conditions. Jill feels that Bethenny was apathetic to her situation and Bethenny feels that she was left in the dark.

Now here's where the issues get sticky and the drama begins to unfold. Jill is pitting everyone against Bethenny and taking this simple argument/disagreement to anyone who will listen. While Bethenny is trying to resolve the matter quietly, and in an adult matter, Jill is playing the victim role, stooping to child-like tactics of "who's are you friends with?" with the rest of the cast, as well as, the island of Manhattan.

Fast forward to the present, Jill and Bethenny are still not on speaking terms. During this season we have seen Bethenny get engaged, and get pregnant, all without her BFF. It is really sad to see a friendship dissipate on camera. Very entertaining, mind you, but sad nonetheless.

So for those of you who aren't a "Real Housewives" fan, (and again, shame on you!) I propose a thought provoking question. Have you ever had a "friendship" that was so broken, that you two never spoke again? And, if so, what was the cause?

If you ARE a "Real Housewives" fan, whose side are you on, Team Jill or Team Bethenny?

Let me start by answering my own question. I can never recall a friendship in my life that has be so hurtful that I cut the person out of my life completely. I have had arguments with dear friends that have lasted a long time, but we still remain acquaintances. I have also become less close to once good friends, due to distance and/or life (marriage and children) replacing our friendship. However with those relationship, I feel that if I ever needed these people, I know they would be there for me in a heartbeat and vice versa. The feeling and love of friendship is still there, even though distance and time are between us.

But I can't imagine a relationship where I was so close with someone, as Bethenny and Jill were, and then completely lose those feelings overnight. Especially to the point that I don't even want to share the two most important days of my life with them. I can't imagine a scenario where I wouldn't even be civil to that "friend".

But alas, dear readers, this is what has come of Jill and Bethenny. And it played all out on television. Drama is so good when it's someone else's. But I must say, while that comment seems very harsh, it IS reality television, so what did you expect? But as the season comes to a close, we can all take a step back now that we have all of the information (well an edited version at least) and choose to pick a side: Team Jill or Team Bethenny.

I must say, for as outspoken and "tell-it-like-it-is" manner, Bethenny seemed truly crushed over this "battle". She was very endearing this season, which made me like her even more than I already did!!

Bethenny surmounted several huge hurtles this season, from Jill conspiring to get everyone against her, to Ramona's "come-to-Jesus" attack on the Brooklyn Bridge, her father refusing to see her and then passing away, her marriage and baby news splashed in the tabloids, one would think that she would have thrown her hands up and gave up, or went psychotic or something (like another Housewife that will be discuss later in another blog). But no, in true Bethenny form, she has once again picked herself up, dusted herself off and moved on. Even getting her own show in the process.

BRAVO BETHENNY!!! (Pun intended! wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)

So where does Jill and Bethenny go from here? From what I've read and as we saw at one time or another this season, both Jill and Bethenny have said they "are DONE!" Although, I think Bethenny got her point across louder than Jill when Alex delivered, her now infamous, "message". Per her "Watch What Happens Live!" interview, Bethenny emphatically states that she and Jill will no longer ever be friends. I can't remember what Jill's statement was on her visit, but I do know that her new book is called, "Secrets from a Jewish Mother", since that's ALL she talked about during the 30 minutes with Andy.

I feel that Alex hit the nail on the head when she called Jill, a mean girl. Jill seemed to want to spin conversations with Bethenny, in order to make herself look innocent and to make Bethenny looked like a bitch. But alas, this did not happen, for Jill forgot one very important rule of PR spinning: When you have camera crews following you around 24/7, you can't spin what really happen because they catch the truth on tape and can replay both sides.

Wherever this friendship ends up, I hope that fans learned something from Bethenny and Jill. It's easy to "cut someone out of your life" with words, but it's harder to cut someone out of your heart.

Good Luck to both ladies in all your future endeavors!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Super Bowl 44, Kelly Cutrone and stupid people at the Box Office

So much has happened in the last month that if I don't write it down and capture these wonderful moments, I will never forgive myself. So here goes:

First of all, the impossible has happened, the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS HAVE WON THE SUPERBOWL!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!!

I was completely amazed, overjoyed and proud all in a matter of minutes. I cried. This wasn't just another win. This was THE WIN!!! The one we had been waiting for for 43 years. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I know I am only 32 and never witnessed the "early years" of Saint history, the "Manning Years". But missing the first 11 years, doesn't mean that I am not a true fan. My daddy taught me how (among other things) to bleed Black and Gold. For this, I am truly grateful because it made this win even more delicious.

Without the first 11 years, I still have so many Saints memories. There is a great picture of my dad and my godfather walking up to the Superdome when I was like 2! Growing up, and going to games, were so exciting. I remember the Bum Philips years, who for me WAS the Saints. Because I was so young, I didn't realize that coaches come and go. He wore a HUGE cowboy hat, and at the game, we would scream, "Hey Bum, take your hat off!"

I recall the Jim Mora years, the Ditka years, the Hasslet years, and finally the victorious Payton years. All these years, with all these coaches, there are so many memories that run through my mind, and throughout all of them there has only been one thing that has stayed constant..... my dad. My daddy is the biggest Saints fan that I know. Which makes this win, even better since he is going through a pretty rough time right now, recuperating from his operations. This victory gave him a few moments of joy and happiness. It's true the Saints have done alot for the city of New Orleans, and the State of Louisiana. But just on a personal level, I appreciate the Saints so much for putting a smile on my daddy's face. After the win, Momma said he was grinning from ear to ear and just kept saying, "I can't believe the Saints won the Superbowl." It might have been just a game for some; but for my dad, the win made him forget about his pain at least for a little while. And nothing, not a parade nor a party, not even the Lombardi trophy, could ever compare to the gratitude in my heart that I feel for making a great man feel great!

Now onto other things that I am obsessed with in the world: namely, Kelly Cutrone. So if Bravo is my crack, their new series, Kell On Earth, is my beer back. Right now, I am ADDICTED to everything Kelly. For those who don't know, Kelly Cutrone is a PR fashionista. With her no nonsense approach and straight talking attitude to everything, especially her business, Kelly Cutrone is who I want to be when I grow up. Though she is very nurturing to her 7 year old daughter and most of her employees, she says what she wants and means what she says. But if you cross her and you're wrong, she doesn't sugar coat anything! She'll call bullshit on you In. A. Second. HOORAY!!! FINALLY!!! A woman with balls, who I can relate too. No walking on egg shells, no candy coating, just down right heart-of-the-matter brutal honesty, who will ream you when you make a mistake, so you won't ever do it again! Another thing I love about Kelly is her style. She often wears all black, hair in a ponytail or looking dishevelled, and no makeup. THE WOMAN IS IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY!!!! But she makes it ok to go to work DRESSED DOWN AND (wait for it) COMFORTABLE!!! Truly, can anyone say, "MY HERO!"

So I bought Kelly's new book, entitled "If you have to cry, go outside" (FAB!) and can't put it down. Kelly Cutrone proves that there IS a way to balance work, (and be successful) and home, namely motherhood (and, you guessed it, be successful!!). In someway, I think she is my fairy godmother. In case you haven't figured it out, we HEART Kelly Cutrone!

Last, but certainly not least, it's been a while since we heard great stories from the box office. Since we opened our two new venues uptown this year, our season never really stopped. Usually, the concert season runs from about March thru October. But Kyle (my new bestie) and I have been working throughout the year and now business is really starting to pick up again. With that comes, LOTS of stories from idiots, er, I mean patrons, who come to see the shows. So here are a few good lessons that I wanted to share:

1) I HATE SCALPERS!!! : Ok, so I get it. Times are tough. The economy sucks and we are in a recession. But this DOES NOT give you the right to scalp tickets that you either a) got for free through a friend or b) you bought on sale for $10. And you can't sell it cheaper than the box office, IN FRONT OF THE BOX OFFICE!!!! WTF?!?! Last week, I walked up to this huge guy (who was 3x's my size and could easily squash me with one hand) and said, "Dude, seriously? You are not trying to scalp tickets right in front of my box office, are you? Take it across the street." And to emphasize my seriousness, I did my best teacher-snap point and pivoted on my heals to walk away before he could catch, I mean, um, argue with me. Point made. My cajun mouth is SOOO going to get me in a whole lot of trouble one day.

2) Is cussing at me really necessary? It's a regular occurrence, in any service industry, that every now and again you're going to get unhappy customers. I understand and accept this concept. But does that really mean that you have to, or have the right to cuss ME out?!!!?!? People I don't set the price of tickets, and I DEFINITELY don't see any of the profits. But it never fails, there is always someone who complains about the price of a show. You see, when you check ticket prices online, it shows the base price of a ticket, then (even though it is in small print) it say "plus service charges". Even when we advertise a concert on the radio or phone message, it gives the base price of tickets, and at the end it says, "Plus applicable charges." So when people come to the window thinking they are going to pay one price, and are told a different price, I TOTALLY understand their frustrations. BUT TO CURSE ME OUT??REALLY? Think about it, when you buy a car, the sticker price doesn't include tax, title and license, do you curse out the salesman? When you pay a credit card bill, you are paying for your items, plus their service charges, do you cuss out the credit card people? Even when you go to Walmart, the sign may say 99 cents, but when you get to the register, you still pay for tax. SO MANY of the every day things we pay for are never really the price on the sticker. Yet I, the one who works with children all day, get called every name in the book by you, the "child" who is throwing a temper tantrum at my window. I deal with children all day. They cuss me out too, but in most cases, they don't know any better. You on the other hand, do. So STOP BEING A DOUCHE BAG!!! Oh, and have a great day! *smile*

3)Name droppers: Ok, so you know "people". Good! You are friends with people in the band. Great! You are a family member of the artist who is playing tonight. Wonderful! So if all this is true, then why do you get upset at ME, when your "people" don't give you "the hook up"?!?! See, I get a list from the band of people who are considered their "guest". This could range from people in or associated with the band, production crew, and/or record label. Contrary to popular belief, I don't know any of these "important people". All I get is a list. A list which tells me the "freebies" (All Access passes, Meet and Greet passes, free tickets, etc.) to give out and who to give said "freebies" to. Basically, I just do what I am told. I don't personally know "Bob", "Carol", "Crusher" or "Mike". So if you don't get the specific "freebie" you want, telling me that you know "Bob", "Carol" "Crusher" or "Mike" does not help. "Crusher" and his entourage could give a rats ass about the little cajun girl selling tickets in the box office. As much as I would like it to be true, I am a nobody. VIPs don't know my name and I don't know theirs. So while name dropping may work in the "real" world, it doesn't work in the world of the box office. Now a few Benjamins slipped my way just might change that rule..... but that's a whole different story. *smiles*

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happiness in writing

One of my favorite authors, Elizabeth Gilbert, once described writing as a huge wave that you are trying to outrun. As you are running away to safety you look back to see if the wave is upon you and you are suddenly engulfed in it. It becomes apart of you and sweeps you up in the moment. You feel like you are drowning in a sea of your own thoughts. The only way to survive the random thoughts and save yourself is to write down what's in your head. A cathartic explanation on paper, thereby releasing the demons in your head and saving your own life.

That's how I feel about writing. It's a great way to get everything out. It helps me to think and reflect, putting things out of my head to make room for other thoughts, and making a transcript of my life as well. Let's face it, it's a lot cheaper than therapy. (I still go to therapy because sometimes writing just isn't enough of a release. So I pay someone to talk to me, who offers an objective voice and who won't sit back and judge me.) Years later, I can pick up these thoughts again and realize that the "tragedy" going on at that moment in my life, was just a blip on the air traffic control screen of my life. It's funny how those things work out.

Another reason why I enjoy writing is the freedom to come and go as I please. While I may not write anything for a long time, I can always come back to my creative side like an old friend from my past. I just pick up right where I left off. It's comforting to know that your outlets are always there for you when you need them. I wish I could pick up my other creative outlets so easily. But being on stage dancing and acting are much harder to come by. So far, writing is all that I have as I pour my heart onto a blank computer screen with a flashing cursor.

Now that the holidays are over and I am back in my own apartment surrounded by my own things and my own thoughts, I have time to contemplate the life I've built. It is really exhausting and draining. Being alone is good when you know there is an end in sight. For me, Mondays are my end. What's interesting is that I am always complaining that I am so busy and work constantly, but deep down I dread the down time because I am left to think. My mind begins to swirl and all my anxieties come out to play. How ironic that the structure of the work week is what keeps me grounded. The constant pace of the daily grind keeps me focused. It is only when I stop that I become scared listening to my own voice. Many people think that peace and quiet is a blessing, and I appreciate the lazy days. But it seems that I am more sad and anxious after a day or two of thinking.

So this weekend, not having to work, I have had a lot of thoughts to share and release. And that is why I am here. With the New Year, there are so many plans and goals that I would like to achieve in 2010. I never call them resolutions, because really, am I going to resolve anything? Nah. Unless I have this huge awaking (which is one thing that I am working on for the new year) and get it together. But I do have plans and goals set forth that I would LIKE to see happen this year. Most of them are the standard: exercise more, take time for myself, eat better. Blah blah blah. But some of them are more unique for me and my situation. For example, I would like to travel more. Now that I have my new car, this is a possibility. I have been in North Carolina going on 4 years now and have never seen most of the state. I would like to start out with places closer to Charlotte and move outward. Hopefully expanding to Boston and Chicago and maybe even venturing out west. This has always been a dream of mine.

I would like to get back to my creative side. I would like to write more (Lord knows I have tons of school stories to tell) and move into dancing and maybe even get back to acting. I would love to try to do some extra work and maybe get my SAG card. But obviously this will not happen until I am more self confident, which will only come with losing weight, which is something that only I can control with diet and exercise. It's a vicious cycle, but hopefully, a controllable one.

I would like to get rid of my bad habits. Lateness and procrastination are two biggies that have often led to problems. I would like to conquer them both. Also, going back to exercising I want to become healthier all around and get myself checked up so that I can begin to enjoy my life rather than just living it. Organization is also a big hurdle for me. Though looking back I am better than in the past, especially with school things and not putting too much on my plate, I need to bring that into my home life. I need to clean out my closet, put things away and make my home feel more welcoming to me and guests who may drop by. I need to start living like a grown up and not a college freshman.

I want to read all the books in my library. I've always wanted to be surrounded by tons of books. I am developing a very large collection, but most books I either never read or never finished. I want to get through most of them by years end. This may be a project for the summer, though I am addicted to buying new ones before the old ones are even touched. This can also go under the bad habit rule.

I want to gain control of my finances. While this one may take more than a year to complete, and I am not sure how I will do this on a teacher's salary and no income for two months. It is indeed a goal and you have to start somewhere. The responsibility of car payments will make this a necessity rather than a dream.

I want to experiment with cooking. This can also go in the healthier lifestyle and financial category. Cooking for myself with help me to watch my waistline and not eating fast food will definitely impact my budget.

I want to become more spiritual. I don't know if this means going to church everyday, or reading bible passages. But I do know that I want to take time to listen to God's voice speaking to me. My Granny always said that sometimes He doesn't yell. He often whispers. But I have been too caught up in feeling sorry for myself that I really haven't listened to His plan for my life. Then I get upset with Him for not taking care of things. I know that I am on His time and my journey is the pathway that He sets before me. But I am running so hard to get to the next check in point that I keep tripping on my own feet and not paying attention to all of the people and things that He has for me along the way. I hope to learn to walk beside Him instead of running ahead of Him. I know He'll show me a better route to take if I just let him.

Ultimately, I just want to find my happiness again. I am not sure which rock it's under or how long I will have to work and search, but these are things I want to accomplish in 2010. It's taken me a while to find my old self. I am realizing that fulfillment isn't something that you can find being with another person. It's not what your family wants you to be or in a lifestyle you thought you needed. Happiness comes with being satisfied with yourself. I am slowly learning what that means for me. I can't put on someone else's lifestyle and pretend it's my own. Life doesn't work that way. But I hope to find contentment in my own outfit and make it the best one on the runway.