Tonight, I had the priviledge of catching up with old friends, whom I haven't spoken to in a while. It was really nice, to recap and remember the good old days. I loved those times, with those people. There was so much laughter, it seemed like we didn't have a care in the world. And then overnight, it seems, all of these friends grew up. If it were up to me, I would live in the good ol' days forever.
Forever at LSMSA, planning how we could stay out past our curfew, or how we could sneek in alcohol. "Maybe Julie Malta could buy us alcohol, "Elise Chatalain would say. Sweet, innocent, naive, Elise. Julia Malta, being our dorm director, was the person who would be able to throw us out of school, if we were caught. Elise's idea was not the best..... but we did get alcohol, to celebrate my 18th birthday actually. We had loads of fun and no one found out. We all graduated.
I would love to spend forever at Millsaps. Where the days were seemed so long, becausesclasses kept interferring with the our real mission of how were we going to get drunk and who were we going to hook up with that night. Freshmen year, EVERY DAY there was a place to go and a frat boy to go with it. Monday was Cherokee, Tuesday Georgestreet, Wednesday - the Catwalk, thursday - sunday Frat Houses and Frat parties including socials, formals, dances, spring parties, Old South, Old North, C-Balls. And the most fun...... finding the boys to go with it. Most of my dates became my best friends, some became my worst enemies. But I was never looking to settle down, I just wanted to have fun. So that's what I did, I had so much fun while my other friends were looking for their MRS degrees. I was just looking for my next "birthday present" to myself. And when Millsaps became too small, I just moved across the street to Bellhaven. "Happy 21st Birthday to me!" Oh, and I 've come to realize that it WAS a stop sign that I saw at the end of the street. SO it was a good thing I stopped. Even with LIT night (the night Michael asked me to Senior C-ball and Kelly barely got us home), even with my "time" with Ben Allen, we all graduated...... eventually.
Then finally I would love to spend forever at O'charley's waiting tables with my crew. Not everyone that worked there was lucky enough to be like the Varisty team. But our group was way more than just co workers. We were a family...... an incestious family, but a family just the same. We would work hard, then drink hard, and we bitched alot and we laughed alot. Drama seemed to surround us where ever we went. Even when we weren't asking for drama, drama showed up. It was the best time!!! Drinking, laughing, smoking, laughing, make fun of our bosses, making fun of each other, gossipping like there was no tomorrow, and hooking up with everybody just in case. Co-workers became friends, friends became lovers, bosses became friends AND lovers, and we became a family. Whenever you needed someone, they were there. When one of us got the shit beaten out of you by her boyfriend, we were there. When a crackhead steals your wallet in the middle of the night and your scared he may come back to your apartment to hurt you, just call, "Mr. Fuckin O'charley's"! He would be right there to hold you and tell you it was going to be alright. I loved those days. I met my first "real" boyfriend there, and regret that I couldn't love him as much as he loved me. But alas, we all left, and moved on.
If I could spend forever in these times, I would. Maybe that's what Heaven will be like? Being around the people you love, reliving the best parts of your life. I am often curious to see.......