Monday, March 3, 2008

Things I hate....

Here are a few things that today I realized I really hate so much, I needed to create a blog:

1. I hate when a car pulls up on the side of you and there music is blaring so loud, not only is it vibrating my car, but I can't even hear my own radio station! My windows are rolled up for a REASON, people!!! From now on, I am going to carry a CD of polka music and when something like this happens, I will put in my CD, roll all 4 of my windows down and blare my polka music, while dancing in my seat.

2. I hate when I work my ass off to do a great job on some task or event, and my co-workers feel that it is not only ok, but necessary to either do a lousy job, or not do their own job at all! It's called "WORK ETHIC"! You not doing your job, only makes my job 10 times harder. Do your job and it will be better for everyone involved.

3. I hate stupid people. 'nough said!

4. I hate skinny, size 2 wearing, young folks, who when you compliment them on their outfit, the reply, "Oh no! This makes me look too fat!" PUH - LEASE!!! If you wanna see fat, I will show you some fat that you can HAVE! Trust me, it's not a pretty sight.

5. I hate parents who send their children to school, not to learn and make a better life for themselves, but only so they, the parents ( and I do use this term loosely), can have "free time" away from their children. I am not YOUR BABYSITTER!!

6. I hate being so far away from my family and friends.

7. I hate my alarm clock.

8. I hate not having someone to come home and tell my day to. (I guess that's why I have my blog!)

9. I hate the term "white cracker". I prefer the term, "white saltine".

10. I hate mandatory state testing. I mean really, how does one test, on one day, prove whether or not I am a good teacher? Why are there not mandatory state tests proving that you are a good parent? (PS my parents would score 100%, plus bonus points) I mean, you need a license to drive, but not to raise children. That's WAY more important.

11. I hate grading papers. I do it because it is needed, but I hate the tedious, monotony of it all.

12. I hate Mondays.

13. I hate that there are women in this world who can procreate with no problem, but can not even take care of the children they already have. Meanwhile, really good moms and dads, have such a difficult time having one child. So they have to spend so much time and money, going through alternative measures. This frustrates me to no end.

14. I hate people who feel that they are owed something. Freedom is a privilege. There are men and women who die everyday, and many, who fight every day, and who are away from their own families, so that you can spend time with yours. No one owes you anything. Work for what you want and desire, because our military is ensuring that you can keep it.

15. I hate people who feel that just because you are in a service industry, they are obligated to certain benefits. This includes treating others unkindly. Just because you make a lot of money, does not mean that you are smarter than me. Nor does it allow you to treat anyone like crap. I am a teacher, I may be poor, but I am changing the world. What are you doing besides getting on my last nerve?

16. I hate being on my period. I hate the cramps, the bloating, the headaches, you name it. I hate it. For you men out there who don't understand what I mean, here is a suggestion. Walk to a door and open it. Stick you genitals in the door frame and slam the door closed, hard. Real hard. The pain that you feel, is only a fraction of what I feel EVERY month.

17. I hate when you are battling depression and people say, "Just get over it!" People, if it was that easy for me, don't you think I would do that? (Please see previous blog on Depression for a more in depth discussion on this subject.)

18. I hate having to work three jobs, just to make ends meet. My most important job doesn't pay ANYTHING! The only way I can get bonuses is to meet state testing requirements (see afore mentioned #10). I have huge student loans to pay for too, except my pay scale is nothing compared to others with the same degree as I.

19. I hate exercising. Why can't I lose weight sitting on my fat ass watching TV? I am really good at that!

These are just a few things that I hate. I am sure that I will add more, as tomorrow is another day.

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