So I haven't written a blog in a zillion years, and tons of people are awaiting with baited breath for my next master piece. Ok, maybe it's not THAT serious. I mean I am not curing hunger or anything. (But if I were to accomplish that task, I would just put some WD4o on it....)
Anyway, the reason there has not been many blogs, is well, basically I have been working my ass off!!! Holding down two jobs is just about killing me. I haven't been writing about school either, which is truly crazy because this year has been a riot (can't wait to share).
I am still trying to find a balance between working, having (or not having) a social life and still make time for myself (i.e. relaxing). Right now, NONE of this is working to my advantage. Isn't it amazing how we work so hard not to let other people down, when the only person we ARE letting down is ourselves!?!?!??! Ironic, isn't it? I still have not mastered this concept yet, far from it. Unfortunately, it is just about to completely wear me out!!!
But alas, I have a moment right now, so I go forth with my rantings - uh, I mean - writings. Freudian slip, perhaps?
First, I totally understand that working myself to the bone is totally self-inflicted. I get that mentally. But emotionally, I am still struggling with the "letting people down" part. I want to be there for everyone.... except myself. Here in lies the problem. I don't want to let down my students. I don't want to let down the people that I work with. I don't want to let down my loved ones and friends. Everyone says, "Take care of you." when actually (it seems) they really mean, "Take care of you, as long as it doesn't inconvenience me." WTF???
So what do I do? Listen to my body and mind that says, "Slow down. Take a break." Or to the outside world that says, "I need you. I need your help." Through therapy, I have realized that my trigger is perfection. And when I am not at the top of my game, I freak out. I haven't been at the top of my game for a while now. So the ultimate freak out is impending.
I want to get ahold of this mental disability. I want to get ahold of my anxiety. I want to get ahold of my life, and I pray furiously that I can.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Braden evicted
So as most of you know, I am a reality tv junkie!!! I can't get enough. Bravo is my crack! And with the mid summer upon us, Big Brother 11 started with a BANG!! To an addict, this week was pure heroin.
Now for those of you who are not familiar with Big Brother (BB, for short) let me just tell you, it IS a game. (unlike my other fav, Real Housewives of Anything) So the strategic element of plays and chess moves really gets my blood pumping. But this first week on BB 11 was truly the absolute BEST EVER!
For the house guests in the BB house, it usually takes a couple of weeks for that "sinister, slimy side" of people to come out and show their true colors! But not this season! First, the house is already divided into cliques, which was interesting from the very beginning. Then, CBS sent a past contestant (Jesse, gross!) back into the house as the first Head of Household (HOH). This meant that he had to put two people up on "the block" to go home. (Ala, Survivor "The tribe has spoken.")
So nothing much was happening the first couple of days. Yeah, there was game play and strategy involved, a few fights here and there but nothing to write aboutuntil... Wed, then the game turned EVIL!!!! (Ah, good TV always makes me happy). It all started when this douche bag, pretty surfer boy, Braden, was put up "on the block" to be evicted. As with anything, of course he didn't want to go home, but he started a MASSIVE argument throughout the house that included racial, ethnic and sexist slurs. I mean, I understand the guy was pissed, but really there was no need for the foul things that came out of this guy's mouth. So fast forward to last nights, "Eviction ceremony", where one of the house guests goes home. Braden stands up for his final appeal to keep himself in the house, apologizes for some comments, yada yada blah blah. THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!
The other house guest up for eviction, Chima, stands up to speak her "plea" and calls out Braden completely!! She says he is a racist, mentioning things that he had said, but then says that he called the host of the show, Julie Chen (who, FYI is married to THE PRESIDENT OF CBS, Les Moon Ves, and pregnant with his baby) a "whore". The studio audience GASPED! Julie's jaw dropped! It was a moment of complete AWE! (and this is on LIVE TV people) Seriously, CBS couldn't have asked for a better moment if they wrote it themselves. So as you can imagine Braden is evicted, but that's just beginning of our story, because once you leave the BB house, you (on live tv) are interviewed by.... wait for it.... Julie Chen!!!! Braden, can we say "eat crow"?!?!
So while watching all this go down, I had not had the chance to completely take in all the ramifications of what had just happened. But I knew Braden's interview was going to be, for lack of a better word, uncomfortable. However they played nicen nice and from that short interview, you never saw if Julie was upset or not at being called a "whore" by this man on live tv. Fast forward to this morning when the CBS Early Show airs the full "Braden interview", and we learn that Julie Chen is #1) fabulous #2) professional but unequivocally, #3) gets the last laugh! Basically, she proved that not only is Braden, in fact, a racist but A TOTAL and UTTER DUMB ASS!!! Go Julie!
First of all, let me say I never had feelings for Braden one way or another. I could have taken him or left him. But in researching all the videos (yes, I said research, this is my summer "life" people, get off my back) I learned that Braden is a bigot. Even if he meant his slander as a "joke", you don't joke like that. It was as if he said the N-word, and then tried to put it back in his mouth. Secondly, the stuff he said to Lydia (calling her a slut etc) TOTALLY uncalled for. Now I hate when people of any minority plays the race card, put in this case: UNO, DRAW FOUR! The card needed to be played.
Now let's get back to Braden, being a complete moron. So Julie starts in with the interrogation and is throwing him questions left and right. You can see how uncomfortable Braden is, but instead of explaining himself and apologizing for something he said in the "heat of the moment", he immediately starts bashing the other house guest, calling Chima a gold digger! WTF? What does that have to do with your bigoted comments?
Then Julie moves in for the kills and asks, "Who is the most important woman in your life?" (We all see where this is going right? It's like a neon sign!) Braden admits that though he hasn't talked or seen his mother in a while, he would say it was his mother. ZING!!!! Julie then asks, "What do you think she would say about some of the things you said in the house?" And Braden, the idiot says, "I thinks she's glad I didn't say anything worse." DOH!! Dude, you called the President of CBS's wife A WHORE!!!! And when you added racist slurs to the mix, can ANYTHING be worse? Maybe if you would've threatened the President and offended the POPE.
So Julie keeps the questions flying, and she asks several times if he is uncomfortable, and he says, "No." But he is obviously sweatin' like a whore in church (no pun intended) and is as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo. Julie continues the questions and ALL of Braden's replies makes absolutely no sense. He is back tracking, talking out of his ass, saying that he wishes the house was more "open-minded" (again, I ask, WTF?) and the whole time Julie remains calm as a cucumber. She knows she is making him look like a fool on national television and is enjoying every moment of it. Great tv is what I live for!!! So here's my summation:
Braden is a good looking kid. He's probably gotten by his whole life on his looks and boyish charm, cracking a few jokes here and there, making everyone like him. But, in my experience, when you take a way that "false sense of security" and get down to who the person REALLY is, it is a very UGLY person with no common sense. That's what we saw last night with Braden. When Julie was asking him simple true/false questions, he couldn't even answer "true or false". He tried to cover his stupidity with humor (unsuccessfully, by the way) and just came off as a total moron. So I say GOOD RIDDANCE to "Bigoted, Bubble-headed Braden", and I hope America sees you for the person you truly are..... an idiot!
PS I know many of you could care less about this entry, but hey at least it's nothing to do with Michael Jackson. I mean, enough all ready!
Now for those of you who are not familiar with Big Brother (BB, for short) let me just tell you, it IS a game. (unlike my other fav, Real Housewives of Anything) So the strategic element of plays and chess moves really gets my blood pumping. But this first week on BB 11 was truly the absolute BEST EVER!
For the house guests in the BB house, it usually takes a couple of weeks for that "sinister, slimy side" of people to come out and show their true colors! But not this season! First, the house is already divided into cliques, which was interesting from the very beginning. Then, CBS sent a past contestant (Jesse, gross!) back into the house as the first Head of Household (HOH). This meant that he had to put two people up on "the block" to go home. (Ala, Survivor "The tribe has spoken.")
So nothing much was happening the first couple of days. Yeah, there was game play and strategy involved, a few fights here and there but nothing to write aboutuntil... Wed, then the game turned EVIL!!!! (Ah, good TV always makes me happy). It all started when this douche bag, pretty surfer boy, Braden, was put up "on the block" to be evicted. As with anything, of course he didn't want to go home, but he started a MASSIVE argument throughout the house that included racial, ethnic and sexist slurs. I mean, I understand the guy was pissed, but really there was no need for the foul things that came out of this guy's mouth. So fast forward to last nights, "Eviction ceremony", where one of the house guests goes home. Braden stands up for his final appeal to keep himself in the house, apologizes for some comments, yada yada blah blah. THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!
The other house guest up for eviction, Chima, stands up to speak her "plea" and calls out Braden completely!! She says he is a racist, mentioning things that he had said, but then says that he called the host of the show, Julie Chen (who, FYI is married to THE PRESIDENT OF CBS, Les Moon Ves, and pregnant with his baby) a "whore". The studio audience GASPED! Julie's jaw dropped! It was a moment of complete AWE! (and this is on LIVE TV people) Seriously, CBS couldn't have asked for a better moment if they wrote it themselves. So as you can imagine Braden is evicted, but that's just beginning of our story, because once you leave the BB house, you (on live tv) are interviewed by.... wait for it.... Julie Chen!!!! Braden, can we say "eat crow"?!?!
So while watching all this go down, I had not had the chance to completely take in all the ramifications of what had just happened. But I knew Braden's interview was going to be, for lack of a better word, uncomfortable. However they played nicen nice and from that short interview, you never saw if Julie was upset or not at being called a "whore" by this man on live tv. Fast forward to this morning when the CBS Early Show airs the full "Braden interview", and we learn that Julie Chen is #1) fabulous #2) professional but unequivocally, #3) gets the last laugh! Basically, she proved that not only is Braden, in fact, a racist but A TOTAL and UTTER DUMB ASS!!! Go Julie!
First of all, let me say I never had feelings for Braden one way or another. I could have taken him or left him. But in researching all the videos (yes, I said research, this is my summer "life" people, get off my back) I learned that Braden is a bigot. Even if he meant his slander as a "joke", you don't joke like that. It was as if he said the N-word, and then tried to put it back in his mouth. Secondly, the stuff he said to Lydia (calling her a slut etc) TOTALLY uncalled for. Now I hate when people of any minority plays the race card, put in this case: UNO, DRAW FOUR! The card needed to be played.
Now let's get back to Braden, being a complete moron. So Julie starts in with the interrogation and is throwing him questions left and right. You can see how uncomfortable Braden is, but instead of explaining himself and apologizing for something he said in the "heat of the moment", he immediately starts bashing the other house guest, calling Chima a gold digger! WTF? What does that have to do with your bigoted comments?
Then Julie moves in for the kills and asks, "Who is the most important woman in your life?" (We all see where this is going right? It's like a neon sign!) Braden admits that though he hasn't talked or seen his mother in a while, he would say it was his mother. ZING!!!! Julie then asks, "What do you think she would say about some of the things you said in the house?" And Braden, the idiot says, "I thinks she's glad I didn't say anything worse." DOH!! Dude, you called the President of CBS's wife A WHORE!!!! And when you added racist slurs to the mix, can ANYTHING be worse? Maybe if you would've threatened the President and offended the POPE.
So Julie keeps the questions flying, and she asks several times if he is uncomfortable, and he says, "No." But he is obviously sweatin' like a whore in church (no pun intended) and is as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo. Julie continues the questions and ALL of Braden's replies makes absolutely no sense. He is back tracking, talking out of his ass, saying that he wishes the house was more "open-minded" (again, I ask, WTF?) and the whole time Julie remains calm as a cucumber. She knows she is making him look like a fool on national television and is enjoying every moment of it. Great tv is what I live for!!! So here's my summation:
Braden is a good looking kid. He's probably gotten by his whole life on his looks and boyish charm, cracking a few jokes here and there, making everyone like him. But, in my experience, when you take a way that "false sense of security" and get down to who the person REALLY is, it is a very UGLY person with no common sense. That's what we saw last night with Braden. When Julie was asking him simple true/false questions, he couldn't even answer "true or false". He tried to cover his stupidity with humor (unsuccessfully, by the way) and just came off as a total moron. So I say GOOD RIDDANCE to "Bigoted, Bubble-headed Braden", and I hope America sees you for the person you truly are..... an idiot!
PS I know many of you could care less about this entry, but hey at least it's nothing to do with Michael Jackson. I mean, enough all ready!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I love, love , love being in Charlotte. For example, today had to work at the 311 concert, heading out the door at 9:00 AM. It was BEAUTIFUL outside!!! Temp was about 72 degrees and a cool wind blew through the trees. It was a perfect day to sit out by the pool and tan. But alas, I could beckoned.
When I arrived at the box office, jumped straight into my daily duties of pulling will call and selling tickets to the walk ups. Everyone in the office, working together to get ready for the show.
The night went pretty well. No big problems, except to people who were coming to the venue, were hit by a car and are in critical condition. Please say prayers, that these two will make it. The just came out for a night of fun, and didn't expect to be spending their next days in a hospital room.
While work was ok, and ended on a good note. Talking to my Mom when she told me that she and daddy was in Gulf Port, MS at the casino for the weekend. They sounded like that were having a great time. Mom also mentioned that my brother and his wife were with them. LOVELY!! My whole family is having a 4th weekend... without me! These are the days when I get really sad. Though I love living here, sometimes, you just need a hug from your mama or a kiss from your daddy, and a laugh from your brother. It's just real lonely when you have no family around.
Plus, my financial situation is pure shecanery! How in the hell do the "powers that be" think that teachers can survive through two months of not getting paid with such a miserable salary!!! Blessed is the day when I can feel comfortable and confident that the work I emote in a year, will be enough to feel like a job well done!
When I arrived at the box office, jumped straight into my daily duties of pulling will call and selling tickets to the walk ups. Everyone in the office, working together to get ready for the show.
The night went pretty well. No big problems, except to people who were coming to the venue, were hit by a car and are in critical condition. Please say prayers, that these two will make it. The just came out for a night of fun, and didn't expect to be spending their next days in a hospital room.
While work was ok, and ended on a good note. Talking to my Mom when she told me that she and daddy was in Gulf Port, MS at the casino for the weekend. They sounded like that were having a great time. Mom also mentioned that my brother and his wife were with them. LOVELY!! My whole family is having a 4th weekend... without me! These are the days when I get really sad. Though I love living here, sometimes, you just need a hug from your mama or a kiss from your daddy, and a laugh from your brother. It's just real lonely when you have no family around.
Plus, my financial situation is pure shecanery! How in the hell do the "powers that be" think that teachers can survive through two months of not getting paid with such a miserable salary!!! Blessed is the day when I can feel comfortable and confident that the work I emote in a year, will be enough to feel like a job well done!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's legend spans over several decades. Between the Jackson 5 and his solo career, he is truly the "Elvis" of our generation. Whether you believe the stories of allegations of inappropriate conduct with children or you have your own opinions of his wacky behavior, (between plastic surgery, putting his own children over balconies etc ), the man will be remembered as a true music phenomenon. My heart goes out to his family.
People weep, scream, and past out in his presence. All music networks have been playing his music/videos since his death was announce. He sold albums in records of 750million titles!!! No matter what people's opinions of his personal life, musically, he is shear genius!
Today, we will always remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard that Michael Jackson had passed away. His death is being compared to Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, and yes, even President Kennedy.
But Dr. Phil said today on his show, "Don't remember the moment of a person's death, but instead celebrate their life." It seems that is what people are doing today, remembering Michael Jackson's life. From his early days with his brothers, and then in the late 70's and early 80's with a solo career. He has become such a pop culture phenomenon, known as "The King of Pop".
While I would, in no way, consider myself a Michael Jackson fan, I think back over my life and found that moments of his life, touch very special parts of my own.
I remember my first "boyfriend" (if you can have a boy "friend "in first grade) sang "Billie Jean" to me on the bus! It was so cute and every time I hear that song, 25 years later, I still think of that special moment. He was a huge Michael Jackson fan. I remember watching the news at day care when the "Thriller" album was released. I was only 5, but remember that moment so clearly. Another clear memory was from the "Thriller" video, it scared me to death!!! I remember my mom wouldn't let me watch it because she knew I would have nightmares. Boy was she right! I only caught a GLIMPSE of the part when Michael's eyes change as he morphed into the werewolf, and I couldn't sleep the whole weekend!!!!
I remember wanting a sequined glove to wear when that was popular. I remember when his hair caught on fire as he was filmed the Pepsi commercial. I can CLEARLY remember watching the Motown special when he did the "Moonwalk." Suddenly, everyone was learning how to dance like MJ. There are so many things, over the next 25 years, that he did to give the media something to talk about, between child molestation allegations, marrying Lisa Marie Presley, showing his children over balconies and his friendship with Elizabeth Taylor. But I like to remember Michael Jackson in his earlier years, as many people pu it "when he was still black." Between "Thriller", "Beat It" and "Billie Jean", the man was pure gold.
Music can transcend time and space, and Jackson's music did just that. People may not like Jackson, the man, but when you look over the "soundtrack" of your life, everyone will probably have at least one Michael Jackson song on it. If not, you've been living under a rock. Or you're lying!
So Rest In Peace, Michael. The Lord is your jury now, not the people. But your legacy will leave on within your music, and that is something that no one can take away! You now truly live among the stars where you belong!
People weep, scream, and past out in his presence. All music networks have been playing his music/videos since his death was announce. He sold albums in records of 750million titles!!! No matter what people's opinions of his personal life, musically, he is shear genius!
Today, we will always remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard that Michael Jackson had passed away. His death is being compared to Princess Diana, Elvis Presley, and yes, even President Kennedy.
But Dr. Phil said today on his show, "Don't remember the moment of a person's death, but instead celebrate their life." It seems that is what people are doing today, remembering Michael Jackson's life. From his early days with his brothers, and then in the late 70's and early 80's with a solo career. He has become such a pop culture phenomenon, known as "The King of Pop".
While I would, in no way, consider myself a Michael Jackson fan, I think back over my life and found that moments of his life, touch very special parts of my own.
I remember my first "boyfriend" (if you can have a boy "friend "in first grade) sang "Billie Jean" to me on the bus! It was so cute and every time I hear that song, 25 years later, I still think of that special moment. He was a huge Michael Jackson fan. I remember watching the news at day care when the "Thriller" album was released. I was only 5, but remember that moment so clearly. Another clear memory was from the "Thriller" video, it scared me to death!!! I remember my mom wouldn't let me watch it because she knew I would have nightmares. Boy was she right! I only caught a GLIMPSE of the part when Michael's eyes change as he morphed into the werewolf, and I couldn't sleep the whole weekend!!!!
I remember wanting a sequined glove to wear when that was popular. I remember when his hair caught on fire as he was filmed the Pepsi commercial. I can CLEARLY remember watching the Motown special when he did the "Moonwalk." Suddenly, everyone was learning how to dance like MJ. There are so many things, over the next 25 years, that he did to give the media something to talk about, between child molestation allegations, marrying Lisa Marie Presley, showing his children over balconies and his friendship with Elizabeth Taylor. But I like to remember Michael Jackson in his earlier years, as many people pu it "when he was still black." Between "Thriller", "Beat It" and "Billie Jean", the man was pure gold.
Music can transcend time and space, and Jackson's music did just that. People may not like Jackson, the man, but when you look over the "soundtrack" of your life, everyone will probably have at least one Michael Jackson song on it. If not, you've been living under a rock. Or you're lying!
So Rest In Peace, Michael. The Lord is your jury now, not the people. But your legacy will leave on within your music, and that is something that no one can take away! You now truly live among the stars where you belong!
Monday, June 22, 2009
My Thoughts on Jon and Kate
There is so many people talking, blogging and posting on Jon and Kate plus 8, a reality show on TLC showing a family with a set of twins and sextuplets. Since everyone else gets to put their two sense in, I felt it necessary to do the same. While it is ABSOLUTELY NONE of my business about how this family/people run their lives, these are just my thoughts and many will disagree with me, I just want to state my opinion, which is the reason I have this blog in the first place.
So, away we go:
1) This show WAS great when it first began. It was truly based on the kids and how this family coped with all the road blocks that came with raising two sets of multiples. If you look at the beginning episodes from the first couple of seasons and then check out the newer episodes that run now, you can DEFINIATELY see a change of demeanor between Jon and Kate. It seems like NOW, the only thing that makes rating boost is the OBVIOUS tension between Jon and Kate. What once started out as a cute show with cute kids, has turned into a reality soap opera. While the kids are still adorable, the way Jon and Kate feel about each other is another story.
2) I don't think that the "reality" aspect of the show led to the demise of these parents. As stated on the show by Kate, "It probably would have happened anyway." She also incinuated that the cameras sped the process for their marriage failing.
So, away we go:
1) This show WAS great when it first began. It was truly based on the kids and how this family coped with all the road blocks that came with raising two sets of multiples. If you look at the beginning episodes from the first couple of seasons and then check out the newer episodes that run now, you can DEFINIATELY see a change of demeanor between Jon and Kate. It seems like NOW, the only thing that makes rating boost is the OBVIOUS tension between Jon and Kate. What once started out as a cute show with cute kids, has turned into a reality soap opera. While the kids are still adorable, the way Jon and Kate feel about each other is another story.
2) I don't think that the "reality" aspect of the show led to the demise of these parents. As stated on the show by Kate, "It probably would have happened anyway." She also incinuated that the cameras sped the process for their marriage failing.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Lovin' Louisiana
Recently found this and wanted to share. It reminds me of how much I love home. Please enjoy!
I am from......
- the bayouland, rich with seafood and culture.
- coon ass and cajuns, deep with "flat talk".
- strong heritage of family and friends,
fishing and food,
football and flavor.
- my parents, who pushed me to reach further than I ever dreamed.
-running barefoot on oyster shells and in to my daddy's arm.
I am from south Louisiana, and proud to be:
Guidry and all.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I had to write this for an online writing class and wanted to share:
I am an outgoing, friendly person.
I am a lover or words, written and spoken
I am challenged to improve the world.
I see my students for what they can achieve, not for circumstances they were born into.
I worry about not doing my absolute best, giving every part of myself.
I love my family and friends.
I am my father’s daughter, in looks, brains and personality.
I am a teacher,
I make a difference.
I am an outgoing, friendly person.
I am a lover or words, written and spoken
I am challenged to improve the world.
I see my students for what they can achieve, not for circumstances they were born into.
I worry about not doing my absolute best, giving every part of myself.
I love my family and friends.
I am my father’s daughter, in looks, brains and personality.
I am a teacher,
I make a difference.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tears don't work and drunk people annoy me!
With two concerts this week, Jimmy Buffet and Dave Matthews, my summer "family" reconvened and I now have more stupid people to blog about. Now, I understand that I do enjoy both of these artists very much, but their fans, on the other hand, umm.... not so much! Now are you picking up what I'm puttin' down?
I know what it is like to be a "fan". I am a HUGE fan of lots of things. I SLEPT OUTSIDE TWICE for tickets to 'NSYNC back in the day (shut up, all snickers will cease). Plus, I won tickets off the radio to see them (two times FRONT ROW, thanks once, to Walton!!!). In one year, I saw Cowboy Mouth 13 times, even taking an unexpected road trip from Jackson to Baton Rouge in the middle of the night, and then on to New Orleans for another show the next day! So I understand what it means to be a "fan"! But stupidity and shear ignorance, does not make up for me not having tickets to a sold out show! SOLD OUT means SOLD OUT! So here are a few tips for all you "fans" out there who might need a little lesson:
1. SOLD OUT mean SOLD OUT: I do not have any more tickets to sell you! 18,000 people are at this show and, as much as I would like to shit out a ticket for you, I do not have ANY MORE tickets to sell. No, not even one! Not even a lawn ticket for gobs of money! Not even for "The Greatest Fan of All Time"! No, not even one for your son/daughter who you "forgot" to buy a ticket for! I don't have ANY MORE tickets to sell!!! THE SHOW IS SOLD OUT!!! That's why there are signs up everywhere that says, "Tonight's show is SOLD OUT!" because guess what? Wait for it....... the show is sold out!!!
***Ok, now some of you may think that I am being a little harsh with these "tips", but please, unless you work these concerts and hear some of the biggest excuses (lies) that people come up with; or you are cussed out because the "customer" is stupid and is now blaming you..... you can't call me anything, until you have walked in my shoes.***
2.You're going to a concert. Make sure you have your damn tickets!!!: So you are going to a concert. You are driving x hours (insert hours of time here) from where ever you came from (insert other state here: VA, SC, TN, Hawaii; whatever).
Keys? Check! Beer money? Check! Tickets and ID? THESE TWO THINGS NEED TO BE A CHECK!!! I am sorry that you left your tickets on the kitchen table in Pigeon Forge, TN. I am sorry that your ID is in the car. Yes! You have to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the parking lot to get it! And I am sorry that you are an irresponsible "fan", but you know you can't get into a show without YOUR TICKETS AND YOUR ID!!!! So please, make sure you have these two necessities.
3. (In the same context as #2) Certain items are considered a valid picture ID and "your friend" on the cell phone DOESN'T COUNT!: When a police officer pulls you over to ask for your license and registration, do you say, "I don't have my license, but let me call my friend who knows that I am a safe driver and she can tell you that I am me." ????!??!?!?!?!?!?! This won't jive, people. So don't do it at a concert! I get that your friend bought tickets, can't go and now wants you to now have them. She/he is a really great friend. But your friend needs to take care of business and put the tickets in your name so you can pick them up without any problems. I don't need to talk to your friend, your mom, the guy you slept with last night who swore he was "with the band", or (in the words of James) the President of the United States! Without a picture ID, I don't know who in the hell you are!
4. Don't blame me for your stupidity and/or ignorance! Now, I know what you are thinking. Stupidity and Ignorance are the same thing. No, they are not! In the words of Father Tony from Our Lady Star of the Sea church, in New Orleans, LA,
I know what it is like to be a "fan". I am a HUGE fan of lots of things. I SLEPT OUTSIDE TWICE for tickets to 'NSYNC back in the day (shut up, all snickers will cease). Plus, I won tickets off the radio to see them (two times FRONT ROW, thanks once, to Walton!!!). In one year, I saw Cowboy Mouth 13 times, even taking an unexpected road trip from Jackson to Baton Rouge in the middle of the night, and then on to New Orleans for another show the next day! So I understand what it means to be a "fan"! But stupidity and shear ignorance, does not make up for me not having tickets to a sold out show! SOLD OUT means SOLD OUT! So here are a few tips for all you "fans" out there who might need a little lesson:
1. SOLD OUT mean SOLD OUT: I do not have any more tickets to sell you! 18,000 people are at this show and, as much as I would like to shit out a ticket for you, I do not have ANY MORE tickets to sell. No, not even one! Not even a lawn ticket for gobs of money! Not even for "The Greatest Fan of All Time"! No, not even one for your son/daughter who you "forgot" to buy a ticket for! I don't have ANY MORE tickets to sell!!! THE SHOW IS SOLD OUT!!! That's why there are signs up everywhere that says, "Tonight's show is SOLD OUT!" because guess what? Wait for it....... the show is sold out!!!
***Ok, now some of you may think that I am being a little harsh with these "tips", but please, unless you work these concerts and hear some of the biggest excuses (lies) that people come up with; or you are cussed out because the "customer" is stupid and is now blaming you..... you can't call me anything, until you have walked in my shoes.***
2.You're going to a concert. Make sure you have your damn tickets!!!: So you are going to a concert. You are driving x hours (insert hours of time here) from where ever you came from (insert other state here: VA, SC, TN, Hawaii; whatever).
Keys? Check! Beer money? Check! Tickets and ID? THESE TWO THINGS NEED TO BE A CHECK!!! I am sorry that you left your tickets on the kitchen table in Pigeon Forge, TN. I am sorry that your ID is in the car. Yes! You have to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the parking lot to get it! And I am sorry that you are an irresponsible "fan", but you know you can't get into a show without YOUR TICKETS AND YOUR ID!!!! So please, make sure you have these two necessities.
3. (In the same context as #2) Certain items are considered a valid picture ID and "your friend" on the cell phone DOESN'T COUNT!: When a police officer pulls you over to ask for your license and registration, do you say, "I don't have my license, but let me call my friend who knows that I am a safe driver and she can tell you that I am me." ????!??!?!?!?!?!?! This won't jive, people. So don't do it at a concert! I get that your friend bought tickets, can't go and now wants you to now have them. She/he is a really great friend. But your friend needs to take care of business and put the tickets in your name so you can pick them up without any problems. I don't need to talk to your friend, your mom, the guy you slept with last night who swore he was "with the band", or (in the words of James) the President of the United States! Without a picture ID, I don't know who in the hell you are!
4. Don't blame me for your stupidity and/or ignorance! Now, I know what you are thinking. Stupidity and Ignorance are the same thing. No, they are not! In the words of Father Tony from Our Lady Star of the Sea church, in New Orleans, LA,
"Ignorance is when you don't know something.
Stupidity is knowing something is wrong, but doing it anyway.
Don't Be Stupid!"
You KNOW you shouldn't have bought your tickets from the guy down the street selling Lawn tickets for $300 a pop. You KNOW shouldn't have bought tickets from "some guy" off the Internet that you don't know, but had tickets that you bought in auction. You KNOW that if you depend on someone you work with, who knows someone whose sister's baby daddy's cousin's stepdad momma's knows the drummer and left you tickets and backstage passes, that you MAY NOT have tickets waiting for you at Will Call ; so don't drive 15 hours to see you favorite band. DON'T BE STUPID! If it is too good to be true, then it probably is. And you? You just got scammed!5.If you are this artist's "biggest fan", then you would have bought your tickets the day they went on sale, like everybody else!: Again, I know what it's like to be a "fan", (see introduction). So I made sure that I had my "real" tickets, that I purchased through the venue, months in advance, in my hand, ready to go in to see the show on the day of the concert. Do not expect to walk up on the day of the show, that is predicted to be sold out, and expect to get a ticket! You don't have that kind of luck! Yes, artists do release tickets at the last minute. Yes, you could probably get some from a scalper (see tip #4) when you get there. Yes, we could possibly have a few tickets left when you show up, but don't count on it. Especially, if it is a HUGE artist, (ie Dave Matthews, Jonas Brothers, Madonna), we WILL sell out, so get your tickets in advance! You are their "biggest fan", you should know that there are 17,999 people just like you, and guess what? They bought tickets in ADVANCE! Which means, they are getting in, you.... not so much!
6.Tears don't work and drunk people annoy me! I am an educator and an actress. I have heard it all, seen it all and done it all, and a lot better than you! Turn off the waterworks, cause it's not going to work!
***Again, I am not trying to be harsh, I do have a heart and compassion. But when you are 18 years old, and are completely intoxicated and you just caught your boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend. And he has your ticket, with her in the venue and you can't get inside. Really? How do you expect me to help you? I have a heart, but seriously?***
The lesson here is, I know you are sad! I wanna see Kenny Chesney too, but I can't let everyone, who has a story or cries to me, into the venue. I'm sorry. Life is unfair sometimes. I teach 10 yr olds, who enjoy cussing me out every day, and I get paid crap. Is that fair? No! So please, hold the tears, for when something REALLY serious happens.
Also, if you are SO drunk that you come to MY window, to "check in" and to see the concert, and you miss that big line of people 5 yards away, who are being searched by security to enter. If you THAT drunk, and you can't stand up and need to lean on your friends to balance while they continue to hold your beer. If you are THAT drunk and you come to my window, don't speak to me. I'm not a bitch for looking at you stupid. You are stupid! And don't leave your beer on my ledge as you stumble to the direction of my finger where you are suppose to enter the concert! (I swear, this happened last night. I couldn't make this shit up, even if I tried!)
7. ***Possibly THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP*** Don't make Abby mad!: Officer Banner does not take kindly to having to go outside, so if she has to walk outside in the humidity and has to mess up her hair because you are acting a fool, someone's going to jail! Just don't make Abby mad! I've seen her at about a 3 to a 5, and it ain't a pretty sight. Lord knows what she's like at a 10, especially if she didn't have Vault! So don't make Abby mad! Don't beat on the window to get my attention. Don't cuss me out and yell at me so loud that there are now 7 people (including Officer Banner) behind me trying to see what your problem is. Don't stumble drunkardly up to my window if you are under 21, and make demands upon me like you are grown. And whatever you do, NEVER, EVER backtalk a police officer and take a step forward when they told you to leave. NEVER put your finger in the officer's face. And NEVER tell the police officer that they had better "get your purple LL Bean jacket out of guest services." Because if you do, you will upset my good friend, and if it is serious enough for her to walk outside, YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL!!! So please, for the love of all that is holy, Don't make Abby mad!!!
I hope these tips are helpful. I hope you learned a lot. And if you follow these simple rules, I am sure that we will ALL have a wonderful experience! See you at the show!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Real Housewives
I am addicted to Real Housewives of NYC!
I liked Orange County. I enjoyed Atlanta. I am intrigued by New Jersey.
But New York is my absolute favorite, and within this series, my favorite "housewife" BY FAR is Bethenny Frankel.
Again, I like Alex. I enjoy Jill and I am intrigued by the Countess (Ramona is fun to have around, and Kelly can kiss it!), but Bethenny makes the show!!
She is beautiful, witty and hilarity in a basket. Bethenny is my new favorite role model.
Bethenny has a great sense of style. She is sharp, witty and her "tell it like it is" attitude, reminds me of myself. (Dis-countess! I love it) I also love the fact that she is 38 and not married. And I don't think she has ever been married, which gives me hope. If a wonderful woman like this can't get married, maybe I just need to take a back seat until she's ready. Because, really, fair is fair!
I liked Orange County. I enjoyed Atlanta. I am intrigued by New Jersey.
But New York is my absolute favorite, and within this series, my favorite "housewife" BY FAR is Bethenny Frankel.
Again, I like Alex. I enjoy Jill and I am intrigued by the Countess (Ramona is fun to have around, and Kelly can kiss it!), but Bethenny makes the show!!
She is beautiful, witty and hilarity in a basket. Bethenny is my new favorite role model.
Bethenny has a great sense of style. She is sharp, witty and her "tell it like it is" attitude, reminds me of myself. (Dis-countess! I love it) I also love the fact that she is 38 and not married. And I don't think she has ever been married, which gives me hope. If a wonderful woman like this can't get married, maybe I just need to take a back seat until she's ready. Because, really, fair is fair!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Don't Be Stupid
My brother and sister in law went yesterday to the Youth Rally for our church diocese. They came back with a bracelet that says, "Don't Be Stupid!" and great jokes and stories from a cutting edge priest in New Orleans.
His name is Rev. R. Tony Ricard. Father Tony has great lines and ways to tell the word of Christ to teens. He is all over YouTube. He's really great and is definitely worth checking out. One of Father Tony's sayings is "Don't Be Stupid". Father Tony says:
"Ignorance is when you don't know something. Stupidity is when you know it's wrong but you still do it! Don't Be Stupid!"
I love it! Fr. Tony and "his momma" definitely hits the nail on the when he says "Remember who you belong to, and Don't Be Stupid!" This is going to be my new mantra. Especially at school, with my class, stupidity blossoms using this scenario. My students are VERY intelligent, but sometimes, their utter stupidity annoys me. I can't help them, if they don't want to help themselves.
"Don't Be Stupid!" says Fr. Tony and Ms. Guidry says, "Listen to your priest!"
His name is Rev. R. Tony Ricard. Father Tony has great lines and ways to tell the word of Christ to teens. He is all over YouTube. He's really great and is definitely worth checking out. One of Father Tony's sayings is "Don't Be Stupid". Father Tony says:
"Ignorance is when you don't know something. Stupidity is when you know it's wrong but you still do it! Don't Be Stupid!"
I love it! Fr. Tony and "his momma" definitely hits the nail on the when he says "Remember who you belong to, and Don't Be Stupid!" This is going to be my new mantra. Especially at school, with my class, stupidity blossoms using this scenario. My students are VERY intelligent, but sometimes, their utter stupidity annoys me. I can't help them, if they don't want to help themselves.
"Don't Be Stupid!" says Fr. Tony and Ms. Guidry says, "Listen to your priest!"
That is exactly what I need right now!!! I can not tell you how imperative it is for me, and my colleagues, to take a break from school for A WHOLE WEEK!!!! Seriously, if I didn't take time to get away, I would have probably hurt someone, and wouldn't care if they were 10 or 100! I was about ready to go postal!
I love being home! Isn't it always comforting when you can "come home again"? There is something serene and satisfying about being in the house you grew up in. For example, I drink coffee every morning, but it is so different to get up in the morning, (after sleeping in my cozy bed) and walk into the kitchen (at my "momma's house") and grab a cup of coffee with my dad! It is so heart warming! I love that feeling.
My brother and my sister in law came over for Sunday dinner today, which was wonderful. I haven't seen my big, little brother since Christmas and every time we get together, it's hilarity in a basket. We also cut up at the dinner table, which annoys my dad (because when he is trying to eat, he doesn't want "foolishness") and bothers my mom. Megan, my sister in law, just sits there with a confused look on her face. She sometimes doesn't get the inside jokes that we do. But though Momma says she wants us to stop, secretly, I think she loves hearing the laughter. I can tell she misses us a lot.
Today, Walton and I reenacted our favorite SNL skit where the family sits around the dinner table and their forks and knives keep clinking to the plates. Then they start conversations which always end in an argument. Walton and I LOVE doing this when we get together. When there is a lull of conversation and everyone is unconsciously clinking things together, Walton and I will immediately look at each other and begin to laugh hysterically. I couldn't stop giggling today, and Mom had to tell me to leave the table until I "got it together".
Walton also told jokes and we laughed and ate and laughed and ate. It was awesome! I love being home and the well needed break is going great!
That is exactly what I need right now!!! I can not tell you how imperative it is for me, and my colleagues, to take a break from school for A WHOLE WEEK!!!! Seriously, if I didn't take time to get away, I would have probably hurt someone, and wouldn't care if they were 10 or 100! I was about ready to go postal!
I love being home! Isn't it always comforting when you can "come home again"? There is something serene and satisfying about being in the house you grew up in. For example, I drink coffee every morning, but it is so different to get up in the morning, (after sleeping in my cozy bed) and walk into the kitchen (at my "momma's house") and grab a cup of coffee with my dad! It is so heart warming! I love that feeling.
My brother and my sister in law came over for Sunday dinner today, which was wonderful. I haven't seen my big, little brother since Christmas and every time we get together, it's hilarity in a basket. We also cut up at the dinner table, which annoys my dad (because when he is trying to eat, he doesn't want "foolishness") and bothers my mom. Megan, my sister in law, just sits there with a confused look on her face. She sometimes doesn't get the inside jokes that we do. But though Momma says she wants us to stop, secretly, I think she loves hearing the laughter. I can tell she misses us a lot.
Today, Walton and I reenacted our favorite SNL skit where the family sits around the dinner table and their forks and knives keep clinking to the plates. Then they start conversations which always end in an argument. Walton and I LOVE doing this when we get together. When there is a lull of conversation and everyone is unconsciously clinking things together, Walton and I will immediately look at each other and begin to laugh hysterically. I couldn't stop giggling today, and Mom had to tell me to leave the table until I "got it together".
Walton also told jokes and we laughed and ate and laughed and ate. It was awesome! I love being home and the well needed break is going great!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My favorite one liners of all time....
Here is a sampling of one liners said by many different friends at many different points in my life. For some of you, you will have no idea what these lines mean. For others, I hope you laugh hysterically at the mere mention of these fond memories:
Elise: "Maybe Julie Malta can buy us alcohol?"-at LSMSA, when we were trying to sneak alcohol into the dorm for my 18th birthday (sorry, Mom)
Me: "Elise honey, Julie Malta is the dorm director, and she is the person we are trying to NOT have find out about our little shindig, cause if she did, we would be kicked out of school!"
Elise: "Oh, right!"
Amy Sherill: " I hate your F***ing roommate!" - To Henna about me, in the beginning of my Junior year. (To be fair, I was really homesick, and Amy ultimately became on of my very best friends)
Me: "How many Baldwin brothers are they?"- at LSMSA
Other girls of Suite L: "4" "Yeah there are four I think"
Me: "Ok then name them."
Everyone: "Alec, Billy, Stephen and ....??????"
Me: "Yeah, who's the other one?"
Everyone thinking really hard, "Alec, William, Stephen???? .... Stephen, Alec, William??? OK, There's Alec Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, William Baldwin, and... and..... and"
Tana: "TANA BALDWIN!!!" (that was really her last name)
Me: "Uh... no!" (PS It is Daniel Baldwin, for the readers who are wondering)
Russell, pretending to be Dr. Peter's secretary, to Brady, who is playing himself: "Dr. Peter's will see you all in just a minute. Looks like your little trip will get you kicked out of school, right before graduation."
Brady: "What?? Wait Linda, Linda listen!"
Myrna, (LSMSA) addressing the Senior Rep cast after a "horrendous" (her words, dramatic much there, Myra?), shortly after find out I was in the hospital and would not be at our performances for college recruiting day, "When I heard it was Reny (she called me "Reny", like Ren and Stimpy) I thought to myself, WHY RENY?!!??!!?! WHY NOT..... and if the name fits- WEAR IT!"
Myrna, (LSMSA) during the last acting class before finals and graduation, "My little lambs, my little lambs, you will all be going away. Going away from me, and this building, this building which holds so many, many memories. It holds so many things for me. It holds my blood, sweat, tears and .... pee pee! (Myrna had a habit of drinking heavily during rehearsals, and being so enthralled in the performance and not wanting to miss a beat, was known to just pee, right there in her seat. These are the stories legends are made of!)
Myrna, (she was just so great and crazy, in the theatrical way, there are just no words to describe this woman. She was from Natchitoches, LA but spoke with a British Accent. Go figure!), talking to the cast of Steel Magnolias senior year, " I know we need more props for this f***ing set, and believe me I'm working on it. But I still need f***ing materials and when I spoke to EBARBarian today, he said our budget was gone!" (Dr. EBARB was the Director of Fiscal Affairs at our school. Basically he paid the bills and created the budget that Myrna couldn't, wouldn't or didn't think the Theatre Dept had to adhere to)
Millsaps -
Me, watching a movie of the week with all of my hall, "Oh come! It just so happens that they tell the news about the killer exactly when she is in the room to hear it."
Michelle: "Maybe she taped it!"
Me: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Michelle: "Maybe it's one of those VCRs with the instant unpause."
Amy, drunk off her ass shooting her finger guns at Craig Brewer, her crush: "Craig Brewer!"
(I can't explain this one, but believe me. It was funny!)
Kelly: "Just because you are on your knees all the time at the Sig house, does not mean that it's a church!"
Michael and Reni going down I-55 at night cutting up, ME: "What is that in the middle of the road?"
Michael: "I don't know. Just miss it! It might be someone's dead grandmother!"
Reni, running over whatever it was. Michael and Reni: "GRANDMOTHER!!!"
Michael: "I think you killed her!"
(We never found out what it was.)
Reni: "You give Stephen such a hard time. I think you are jealous of him!"
Kelly: "Yeah, jealous of all that empty storage pace in his head!"
Bronwen, shaking her finger at some drunk boys who are attempting to mosh at the Cowboy Mouth Concert at Jubliee Jam: "No, we do not do that here!"
All of us, in someone's room at the frat house, Michael: "Miranda, what would you do for a million dollars?"
Miranda: "I would murder a transient!"
Kelly, January 1, 2000 as Michael and I are finally trying to go to sleep at 3:00 in the morning, "Ya'll get up, it's the millennium!"
Michael: "Kelly sweetie, we celebrated the millennium, now we just want to go to sleep."
Kelly: "But you gotta get up, it's the millennium. The millennium."
Miranda, at Sue and Bill's engagement party, "What do I have to do to get invited to this damn wedding, ass rape somebody? Remind me of that when I'm drunk!"
One of Daniel's friend to Kelly at some bar somewhere in New Orleans, "You know, you look a lot better without your glasses on."
Kelly: "Funny, you look a lot better without my glasses on too!"
Stacey, Spring Break in Destin at some bar, "Where is that white trash, red neck bitch who cut me in line when I was trying to go to the bathroom?"
Bronwen, same Spring Break, "Can I see that towel for 2 point 5 seconds?"
Jermaine, anytime he was frightened, "Oh Jeeeeeeeeessssssssuuuuuuuusssss!"
Daniel, anytime her was drunk, "Woooooooooooo Hoooooooooo!" (aka Drunk Siren Call)
Reni, to Michael drunk off her ass on her 21st birthday, "I have to find my cup!"
Michael: "Reni sweetie, let me get you another cup?"
Reni: (incoherently) "No, I've got to find my cup."
Reni, stumbling up fraternity row, sees a cup on the back of a car, "No this is MY CUP! MY CUP!",
Michael: "Reni honey, I don't think that's your cup, sweetie it has crap in it." Reni grabbing the cup and drinking it's contents "I think it has cigarette butts in....."
Reni: "No, no this is my cup! My cup!"
In someone's room at the fraternity house, Michael, to Miranda "Well, how many people have you hooked up with?"
Miranda: "I ain't tellin. If I tell, we all tell."
Michael, to someone (who shall remain nameless), "What about you?"
Everyone begins counting....
Numbers from different people are said.
30 minutes pass, new subject is being talked about.
Someone (who shall remain nameless) "Are we talking about just here at this house, or all the fraternities?" as she is still counting.
Dollar margarita night, place is filled to standing room only, servers can't even get to their tables. Kerry drops his tray of food because someone "accidentally" bumped into him.
Breedlove: "How would you like your steak cooked? Medium? Medium well?"
Me: "What's the difference between medium, and medium well?"
Breedlove: "Well......"
One night, in the office cashing out. Eric, Mike, Breedlove, me and some other chick who just started.
Guys, "This f***er left me no tip and I was in the f***in weeds." "I know, we got f***in slammed tonight." "I couldn't f***in get to tables to bus the f*** Shit!"
Chick, to me, "My, my isn't it horrible how all these gentlemen are talking in front of us ladies?"
Me: "What the f*** are you talkin about?"
Verizon -
Ashley, talking to another worker, "Other worker, we need a little less of this," making the talking sign, "And a little more of this." making the walking sign.
James, to a customer at the window putting the ticket to the window,"Read what it says! What does it say? What does your ticket say? Read what it says! It says, 'Pay a $6 parking fee. It's not free. READ THE TICKET!! READ WHAT IT SAYS!"
Ashley, talking to me about a customer outside the window, "What does he have around his neck?"
Me: "I think it's a king's hat."
Ashley: "You mean, a crown?"
School -
My student, seeing another student going crazy in the hall cussing and screaming, and trying to kick his pregnant teacher.
My student: "Ms. Guidry, why he wants to kill Ms. Casinellie's baby? Ms. Casinellie's baby didn't do anything to him? Why he tryin to kill it?
Student: "Ms. Romano, if you could be a cat or a dog, what would you be?"
Ms. Romano: "Um, well if I had to choose, I would probably be a dog."
Student: "No, you can't be a dog, because all dogs are boys. Cats are all girls, so you'd have to be a cat."
Me, speaking to one of my students, "Was your Mom proud about your report card grades?"
Student: "Yeah, she was really proud of me. She even called my brother in the joint to tell him!"
Me: "Really? WOW! And what did he say?"
Student: "Oh, we couldn't talk to him, cause he was in the hole for the night."
Me: "The whole?
Student: "You don't know what the hole is Ms. Guidry? Oh, ok check this out. See the hole is a smaller cell that the put you in when you is in trouble. It's just a solid block of wall, see? No windows or nothing. Even the door is just one solid wall, not bars see? And all they got in this door is a little hole that they slip yo food in! That's why they call it, "The Hole".
Me: "I see."
Student: "Yeah, he got put in there last night cause he had made a shank and was trying to stab people in the cafeteria line who was trying to cut him. My brother says, 'You cut me, I is gonna cut you! That's how it is in prison, Ms. G."
Me, to one of my students, "Do you live with your momma or your daddy?"
Student: "My momma."
Me: "Ok, does your daddy live with you?"
Student: "Nah, he locked up."
Me: "Oh, ok. What'd he do?"
Student: "Well the first time, they said he shot three police officers, but he really didn't, cuz it was just a set up. They set him up."
Me: "The first time?"
Student: "Yeah, then he tried to steal and car, and jump out while it was still going and broke his arm. That's why my brother's on house arrest too".
Me: "Hey, twin it's about time for your momma to have her baby, right? When she gonna have it?"
Twin: "She already had the baby, Ms. Guidry!"
Me: "Really?!!!??! Oh, I didn't know! When did she have it?"
Twin: "On the baby's birthday!"
Elise: "Maybe Julie Malta can buy us alcohol?"-at LSMSA, when we were trying to sneak alcohol into the dorm for my 18th birthday (sorry, Mom)
Me: "Elise honey, Julie Malta is the dorm director, and she is the person we are trying to NOT have find out about our little shindig, cause if she did, we would be kicked out of school!"
Elise: "Oh, right!"
Amy Sherill: " I hate your F***ing roommate!" - To Henna about me, in the beginning of my Junior year. (To be fair, I was really homesick, and Amy ultimately became on of my very best friends)
Me: "How many Baldwin brothers are they?"- at LSMSA
Other girls of Suite L: "4" "Yeah there are four I think"
Me: "Ok then name them."
Everyone: "Alec, Billy, Stephen and ....??????"
Me: "Yeah, who's the other one?"
Everyone thinking really hard, "Alec, William, Stephen???? .... Stephen, Alec, William??? OK, There's Alec Baldwin, Stephen Baldwin, William Baldwin, and... and..... and"
Tana: "TANA BALDWIN!!!" (that was really her last name)
Me: "Uh... no!" (PS It is Daniel Baldwin, for the readers who are wondering)
Russell, pretending to be Dr. Peter's secretary, to Brady, who is playing himself: "Dr. Peter's will see you all in just a minute. Looks like your little trip will get you kicked out of school, right before graduation."
Brady: "What?? Wait Linda, Linda listen!"
Myrna, (LSMSA) addressing the Senior Rep cast after a "horrendous" (her words, dramatic much there, Myra?), shortly after find out I was in the hospital and would not be at our performances for college recruiting day, "When I heard it was Reny (she called me "Reny", like Ren and Stimpy) I thought to myself, WHY RENY?!!??!!?! WHY NOT..... and if the name fits- WEAR IT!"
Myrna, (LSMSA) during the last acting class before finals and graduation, "My little lambs, my little lambs, you will all be going away. Going away from me, and this building, this building which holds so many, many memories. It holds so many things for me. It holds my blood, sweat, tears and .... pee pee! (Myrna had a habit of drinking heavily during rehearsals, and being so enthralled in the performance and not wanting to miss a beat, was known to just pee, right there in her seat. These are the stories legends are made of!)
Myrna, (she was just so great and crazy, in the theatrical way, there are just no words to describe this woman. She was from Natchitoches, LA but spoke with a British Accent. Go figure!), talking to the cast of Steel Magnolias senior year, " I know we need more props for this f***ing set, and believe me I'm working on it. But I still need f***ing materials and when I spoke to EBARBarian today, he said our budget was gone!" (Dr. EBARB was the Director of Fiscal Affairs at our school. Basically he paid the bills and created the budget that Myrna couldn't, wouldn't or didn't think the Theatre Dept had to adhere to)
Millsaps -
Me, watching a movie of the week with all of my hall, "Oh come! It just so happens that they tell the news about the killer exactly when she is in the room to hear it."
Michelle: "Maybe she taped it!"
Me: "What does that have to do with anything?"
Michelle: "Maybe it's one of those VCRs with the instant unpause."
Amy, drunk off her ass shooting her finger guns at Craig Brewer, her crush: "Craig Brewer!"
(I can't explain this one, but believe me. It was funny!)
Kelly: "Just because you are on your knees all the time at the Sig house, does not mean that it's a church!"
Michael and Reni going down I-55 at night cutting up, ME: "What is that in the middle of the road?"
Michael: "I don't know. Just miss it! It might be someone's dead grandmother!"
Reni, running over whatever it was. Michael and Reni: "GRANDMOTHER!!!"
Michael: "I think you killed her!"
(We never found out what it was.)
Reni: "You give Stephen such a hard time. I think you are jealous of him!"
Kelly: "Yeah, jealous of all that empty storage pace in his head!"
Bronwen, shaking her finger at some drunk boys who are attempting to mosh at the Cowboy Mouth Concert at Jubliee Jam: "No, we do not do that here!"
All of us, in someone's room at the frat house, Michael: "Miranda, what would you do for a million dollars?"
Miranda: "I would murder a transient!"
Kelly, January 1, 2000 as Michael and I are finally trying to go to sleep at 3:00 in the morning, "Ya'll get up, it's the millennium!"
Michael: "Kelly sweetie, we celebrated the millennium, now we just want to go to sleep."
Kelly: "But you gotta get up, it's the millennium. The millennium."
Miranda, at Sue and Bill's engagement party, "What do I have to do to get invited to this damn wedding, ass rape somebody? Remind me of that when I'm drunk!"
One of Daniel's friend to Kelly at some bar somewhere in New Orleans, "You know, you look a lot better without your glasses on."
Kelly: "Funny, you look a lot better without my glasses on too!"
Stacey, Spring Break in Destin at some bar, "Where is that white trash, red neck bitch who cut me in line when I was trying to go to the bathroom?"
Bronwen, same Spring Break, "Can I see that towel for 2 point 5 seconds?"
Jermaine, anytime he was frightened, "Oh Jeeeeeeeeessssssssuuuuuuuusssss!"
Daniel, anytime her was drunk, "Woooooooooooo Hoooooooooo!" (aka Drunk Siren Call)
Reni, to Michael drunk off her ass on her 21st birthday, "I have to find my cup!"
Michael: "Reni sweetie, let me get you another cup?"
Reni: (incoherently) "No, I've got to find my cup."
Reni, stumbling up fraternity row, sees a cup on the back of a car, "No this is MY CUP! MY CUP!",
Michael: "Reni honey, I don't think that's your cup, sweetie it has crap in it." Reni grabbing the cup and drinking it's contents "I think it has cigarette butts in....."
Reni: "No, no this is my cup! My cup!"
In someone's room at the fraternity house, Michael, to Miranda "Well, how many people have you hooked up with?"
Miranda: "I ain't tellin. If I tell, we all tell."
Michael, to someone (who shall remain nameless), "What about you?"
Everyone begins counting....
Numbers from different people are said.
30 minutes pass, new subject is being talked about.
Someone (who shall remain nameless) "Are we talking about just here at this house, or all the fraternities?" as she is still counting.
Dollar margarita night, place is filled to standing room only, servers can't even get to their tables. Kerry drops his tray of food because someone "accidentally" bumped into him.
Breedlove: "How would you like your steak cooked? Medium? Medium well?"
Me: "What's the difference between medium, and medium well?"
Breedlove: "Well......"
One night, in the office cashing out. Eric, Mike, Breedlove, me and some other chick who just started.
Guys, "This f***er left me no tip and I was in the f***in weeds." "I know, we got f***in slammed tonight." "I couldn't f***in get to tables to bus the f*** Shit!"
Chick, to me, "My, my isn't it horrible how all these gentlemen are talking in front of us ladies?"
Me: "What the f*** are you talkin about?"
Verizon -
Ashley, talking to another worker, "Other worker, we need a little less of this," making the talking sign, "And a little more of this." making the walking sign.
James, to a customer at the window putting the ticket to the window,"Read what it says! What does it say? What does your ticket say? Read what it says! It says, 'Pay a $6 parking fee. It's not free. READ THE TICKET!! READ WHAT IT SAYS!"
Ashley, talking to me about a customer outside the window, "What does he have around his neck?"
Me: "I think it's a king's hat."
Ashley: "You mean, a crown?"
School -
My student, seeing another student going crazy in the hall cussing and screaming, and trying to kick his pregnant teacher.
My student: "Ms. Guidry, why he wants to kill Ms. Casinellie's baby? Ms. Casinellie's baby didn't do anything to him? Why he tryin to kill it?
Student: "Ms. Romano, if you could be a cat or a dog, what would you be?"
Ms. Romano: "Um, well if I had to choose, I would probably be a dog."
Student: "No, you can't be a dog, because all dogs are boys. Cats are all girls, so you'd have to be a cat."
Me, speaking to one of my students, "Was your Mom proud about your report card grades?"
Student: "Yeah, she was really proud of me. She even called my brother in the joint to tell him!"
Me: "Really? WOW! And what did he say?"
Student: "Oh, we couldn't talk to him, cause he was in the hole for the night."
Me: "The whole?
Student: "You don't know what the hole is Ms. Guidry? Oh, ok check this out. See the hole is a smaller cell that the put you in when you is in trouble. It's just a solid block of wall, see? No windows or nothing. Even the door is just one solid wall, not bars see? And all they got in this door is a little hole that they slip yo food in! That's why they call it, "The Hole".
Me: "I see."
Student: "Yeah, he got put in there last night cause he had made a shank and was trying to stab people in the cafeteria line who was trying to cut him. My brother says, 'You cut me, I is gonna cut you! That's how it is in prison, Ms. G."
Me, to one of my students, "Do you live with your momma or your daddy?"
Student: "My momma."
Me: "Ok, does your daddy live with you?"
Student: "Nah, he locked up."
Me: "Oh, ok. What'd he do?"
Student: "Well the first time, they said he shot three police officers, but he really didn't, cuz it was just a set up. They set him up."
Me: "The first time?"
Student: "Yeah, then he tried to steal and car, and jump out while it was still going and broke his arm. That's why my brother's on house arrest too".
Me: "Hey, twin it's about time for your momma to have her baby, right? When she gonna have it?"
Twin: "She already had the baby, Ms. Guidry!"
Me: "Really?!!!??! Oh, I didn't know! When did she have it?"
Twin: "On the baby's birthday!"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Funny things that happened to me....
So many times, crazy things happen to me that I honestly do a double take and think that I am being punked by Ashton Kutcher. Here are a few of those moments... ENJOY!!!
- You know it's going to be a bad day, when one of your students comes to you and says, "Ms. Guidry, I might be a little crazy today, because I died last night and came back to life when they gave me oxygen. And you know how it feels when you die and come back to life, once they give you the oxygen? You're all like, AAAHHHHAUUGGGHHH! That's how I feel right now." My response, "No. I am not sure I know what it feels like to die and come back to life." ***As a side note, this student was later involved in what can only be described as a Fourth grade brawl, where three police cars came to school and 6 students were suspended for being involved.***
- While sitting in a Burger King drive through waiting to order, after a long night of working the Widespread Panic Concert, a man (who was obviously wasted) came up to my car, and knocked on my passenger side window. Scared and a little startled, I put down my window just enough to see what he wanted to tell me. To which he slurring said, "Hey, I'm not crazy or anything, but they won't let me order food unless I'm in a car. So can I just get in your car and you can order food for me." Uh, no I don't think so.
- When I was working the night of what was suppose to be a Mary J. Blige concert (see previous blog) a customer walked up to my window to ask why the concert had been rescheduled. I was blinded by that huge piece of bling that hung around his neck. I then turned to my friend Ashley and said, "Hey check out this. He's ready for the concert with his bling." "What is it?" Ashley asked. "A king's hat." I answered. "You mean a crown?" Ashley answered matter of factly. Uh, yeah. At that moment, I needed a sign.
- I was talking to one of my students, who could not help the fact that cement was smarter than she. I knew that her mother had been pregnant and her due day was coming soon. "When's your mamma having her baby?" I inquired. Dumbly and wide-eyed she answered, "She already done had it!" "Really, " I said, "You didn't tell me that! When did she have it? Without skipping a beat, she looked at me and said, "On the baby's birthday!" Of course! I should have known.
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