Saturday, July 4, 2009


I love, love , love being in Charlotte. For example, today had to work at the 311 concert, heading out the door at 9:00 AM. It was BEAUTIFUL outside!!! Temp was about 72 degrees and a cool wind blew through the trees. It was a perfect day to sit out by the pool and tan. But alas, I could beckoned.

When I arrived at the box office, jumped straight into my daily duties of pulling will call and selling tickets to the walk ups. Everyone in the office, working together to get ready for the show.

The night went pretty well. No big problems, except to people who were coming to the venue, were hit by a car and are in critical condition. Please say prayers, that these two will make it. The just came out for a night of fun, and didn't expect to be spending their next days in a hospital room.

While work was ok, and ended on a good note. Talking to my Mom when she told me that she and daddy was in Gulf Port, MS at the casino for the weekend. They sounded like that were having a great time. Mom also mentioned that my brother and his wife were with them. LOVELY!! My whole family is having a 4th weekend... without me! These are the days when I get really sad. Though I love living here, sometimes, you just need a hug from your mama or a kiss from your daddy, and a laugh from your brother. It's just real lonely when you have no family around.

Plus, my financial situation is pure shecanery! How in the hell do the "powers that be" think that teachers can survive through two months of not getting paid with such a miserable salary!!! Blessed is the day when I can feel comfortable and confident that the work I emote in a year, will be enough to feel like a job well done!

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