Friday, July 17, 2009

Braden evicted

So as most of you know, I am a reality tv junkie!!! I can't get enough. Bravo is my crack! And with the mid summer upon us, Big Brother 11 started with a BANG!! To an addict, this week was pure heroin.

Now for those of you who are not familiar with Big Brother (BB, for short) let me just tell you, it IS a game. (unlike my other fav, Real Housewives of Anything) So the strategic element of plays and chess moves really gets my blood pumping. But this first week on BB 11 was truly the absolute BEST EVER!

For the house guests in the BB house, it usually takes a couple of weeks for that "sinister, slimy side" of people to come out and show their true colors! But not this season! First, the house is already divided into cliques, which was interesting from the very beginning. Then, CBS sent a past contestant (Jesse, gross!) back into the house as the first Head of Household (HOH). This meant that he had to put two people up on "the block" to go home. (Ala, Survivor "The tribe has spoken.")

So nothing much was happening the first couple of days. Yeah, there was game play and strategy involved, a few fights here and there but nothing to write aboutuntil... Wed, then the game turned EVIL!!!! (Ah, good TV always makes me happy). It all started when this douche bag, pretty surfer boy, Braden, was put up "on the block" to be evicted. As with anything, of course he didn't want to go home, but he started a MASSIVE argument throughout the house that included racial, ethnic and sexist slurs. I mean, I understand the guy was pissed, but really there was no need for the foul things that came out of this guy's mouth. So fast forward to last nights, "Eviction ceremony", where one of the house guests goes home. Braden stands up for his final appeal to keep himself in the house, apologizes for some comments, yada yada blah blah. THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!

The other house guest up for eviction, Chima, stands up to speak her "plea" and calls out Braden completely!! She says he is a racist, mentioning things that he had said, but then says that he called the host of the show, Julie Chen (who, FYI is married to THE PRESIDENT OF CBS, Les Moon Ves, and pregnant with his baby) a "whore". The studio audience GASPED! Julie's jaw dropped! It was a moment of complete AWE! (and this is on LIVE TV people) Seriously, CBS couldn't have asked for a better moment if they wrote it themselves. So as you can imagine Braden is evicted, but that's just beginning of our story, because once you leave the BB house, you (on live tv) are interviewed by.... wait for it.... Julie Chen!!!! Braden, can we say "eat crow"?!?!

So while watching all this go down, I had not had the chance to completely take in all the ramifications of what had just happened. But I knew Braden's interview was going to be, for lack of a better word, uncomfortable. However they played nicen nice and from that short interview, you never saw if Julie was upset or not at being called a "whore" by this man on live tv. Fast forward to this morning when the CBS Early Show airs the full "Braden interview", and we learn that Julie Chen is #1) fabulous #2) professional but unequivocally, #3) gets the last laugh! Basically, she proved that not only is Braden, in fact, a racist but A TOTAL and UTTER DUMB ASS!!! Go Julie!

First of all, let me say I never had feelings for Braden one way or another. I could have taken him or left him. But in researching all the videos (yes, I said research, this is my summer "life" people, get off my back) I learned that Braden is a bigot. Even if he meant his slander as a "joke", you don't joke like that. It was as if he said the N-word, and then tried to put it back in his mouth. Secondly, the stuff he said to Lydia (calling her a slut etc) TOTALLY uncalled for. Now I hate when people of any minority plays the race card, put in this case: UNO, DRAW FOUR! The card needed to be played.

Now let's get back to Braden, being a complete moron. So Julie starts in with the interrogation and is throwing him questions left and right. You can see how uncomfortable Braden is, but instead of explaining himself and apologizing for something he said in the "heat of the moment", he immediately starts bashing the other house guest, calling Chima a gold digger! WTF? What does that have to do with your bigoted comments?
Then Julie moves in for the kills and asks, "Who is the most important woman in your life?" (We all see where this is going right? It's like a neon sign!) Braden admits that though he hasn't talked or seen his mother in a while, he would say it was his mother. ZING!!!! Julie then asks, "What do you think she would say about some of the things you said in the house?" And Braden, the idiot says, "I thinks she's glad I didn't say anything worse." DOH!! Dude, you called the President of CBS's wife A WHORE!!!! And when you added racist slurs to the mix, can ANYTHING be worse? Maybe if you would've threatened the President and offended the POPE.

So Julie keeps the questions flying, and she asks several times if he is uncomfortable, and he says, "No." But he is obviously sweatin' like a whore in church (no pun intended) and is as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo. Julie continues the questions and ALL of Braden's replies makes absolutely no sense. He is back tracking, talking out of his ass, saying that he wishes the house was more "open-minded" (again, I ask, WTF?) and the whole time Julie remains calm as a cucumber. She knows she is making him look like a fool on national television and is enjoying every moment of it. Great tv is what I live for!!! So here's my summation:

Braden is a good looking kid. He's probably gotten by his whole life on his looks and boyish charm, cracking a few jokes here and there, making everyone like him. But, in my experience, when you take a way that "false sense of security" and get down to who the person REALLY is, it is a very UGLY person with no common sense. That's what we saw last night with Braden. When Julie was asking him simple true/false questions, he couldn't even answer "true or false". He tried to cover his stupidity with humor (unsuccessfully, by the way) and just came off as a total moron. So I say GOOD RIDDANCE to "Bigoted, Bubble-headed Braden", and I hope America sees you for the person you truly are..... an idiot!

PS I know many of you could care less about this entry, but hey at least it's nothing to do with Michael Jackson. I mean, enough all ready!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I love, love , love being in Charlotte. For example, today had to work at the 311 concert, heading out the door at 9:00 AM. It was BEAUTIFUL outside!!! Temp was about 72 degrees and a cool wind blew through the trees. It was a perfect day to sit out by the pool and tan. But alas, I could beckoned.

When I arrived at the box office, jumped straight into my daily duties of pulling will call and selling tickets to the walk ups. Everyone in the office, working together to get ready for the show.

The night went pretty well. No big problems, except to people who were coming to the venue, were hit by a car and are in critical condition. Please say prayers, that these two will make it. The just came out for a night of fun, and didn't expect to be spending their next days in a hospital room.

While work was ok, and ended on a good note. Talking to my Mom when she told me that she and daddy was in Gulf Port, MS at the casino for the weekend. They sounded like that were having a great time. Mom also mentioned that my brother and his wife were with them. LOVELY!! My whole family is having a 4th weekend... without me! These are the days when I get really sad. Though I love living here, sometimes, you just need a hug from your mama or a kiss from your daddy, and a laugh from your brother. It's just real lonely when you have no family around.

Plus, my financial situation is pure shecanery! How in the hell do the "powers that be" think that teachers can survive through two months of not getting paid with such a miserable salary!!! Blessed is the day when I can feel comfortable and confident that the work I emote in a year, will be enough to feel like a job well done!